MQF AUG22 Flashcards
- The mission of the FIST is to (2 Blanks) for the (2 Blanks)
The mission of the FIST is to integrate fires for the supported commander
- What is the 0.1% Probability of Incapacitation for the 120-mm (All) Mortar standing at 1/3, 2/3, and maximum ranges?
1/3: 310m 2/3: 340m, Max: 375
- In order to consistently determine an accurate target location, a good observer must:
Must be able to determine an accurate target location through mensuration using current target location tools.
Must be able to self-locate to within 10 meters (100 meters if degraded by lack of position locating systems or other navigational aids).
Uses prominent terrain features to relate potential target areas to grid locations on a map.
Makes a thorough study of terrain by drawing a terrain sketch (in a static location).
Associates the direction in which the observer is looking with a direction line on the map.
Must be able to use electronic navigational aids with map analysis verification.
- The Joint Fire Support Specialist/Radio Telephone Operator must be able to set up, operate, and maintain all of the equipment of the FIST. IAW ATP 3-09.30, the fire support specialist works under the guidance of the fire support sergeant to: (There are 8 major duties and responsibilities of the Fire Support Specialist. List them below.)
Establish digital and voice communications. Set up, operate, and maintain section equipment. Employ all means of fire support. Assist in fire support planning and coordination. Prepare and maintain staff journals, reports, and map displays. Operate and maintain the fire support vehicle. Maintain the security of the vehicle during all operations. Coordinate for logistics support and resupply
- A standard US large-scale military map scale is
The standard U.S. large-scale military map is 1:50,000
- (Blank) is a weapons locating radar search area which the commander wants to attack hostile firing systems.
Call For Fire Zone
- An azimuth is the (Blank) angle measured (Blank) from a north base line that could be (blank) north, (blank) north, or (blank) north.
Azimuth is a horizontal angle measured clockwise from a north base line that could be true north, magnetic north, or grid north.
- An (4 blanks) is a weapons locating radar search area in enemy territory that the commander monitor closely to detect and report any weapon ahead of all acquisitions other than those from critical friendly zone or call for fire zones.
Artillery Target Intelligence Zone
(3 blanks) is an area assigned to an artillery unit where individual artillery system can maneuver to increase their survivability.
Position Artillery Area
1 0. What are the different types of zones used with radar?
Sensor Zones, CFF Zones, Critical Friendly Zone, Artillery Target Intelligence Zone
1 1 . The Final Protective Fire is a type of priority target utilized in defensive situations. The final protective is an immediately available prearranged barrier of fire designed to (3 blanks)
Impede enemy movement
- What is the minimum and maximum range of the M252 81 mm mortar using M821A3 H E/MOF?
MAX: 5800 MIN: 65
A (4 blanks) is a fire support coordination measures established by the land or amphibious force commander to support common objectives within an area of operations beyond which all fires must be coordinated with affected commanders prior to engagement and short of the line all fires must be coordinated with the establishing commander prior to engagement.
Fire Support Coordination Line
- What is the minimum and maximum range of the M224 60mm mortar using M720A2 HE/MOF?
MAX: 3500 MIN: 75
1 5. What is the minimum and maximum effective ranges for the SA-6?
MAX: 25K MIN: 4K
1 6. What is the 0.1% Probability of Incapacitation for the 155-mm (M795/M795 1M) standing at 1/3, 2/3, and maximum ranges?
1/3=385 2/3=515 3/3=730
1 7. What is the 0.1% Probability of Incapacitation for the GBU-38v4 Contact Prone?
A (blank) is a target based on either time or importance, on which the delivery rate of fires takes precedence over all the fires for the designated firing unit or element
1 9. What is the 0.1% Probability of Incapacitation for the 2.75 inch HE rockets at a firing range of 800 meters?
Standing 135m
- What is the minimum and maximum effective ranges for the SA-8?
MAX: 10K MIN: 1.5K
21 . The (2 blanks) is a concise means to inform all participants of the flow of the upcoming attack. The minimum information shall include the type of (blank) and (blank) of (blank).
The game plan is a concise means to inform all participants of the flow of the upcoming attack. The minimum information shall include the type of control and method of attack.
- (2 blanks) is the process by which the JTAC/FAC(A) coordinates and confirms that the attacking aircraft and the third party contributor have acquired the (2 blanks) or (blank)
Target Correlation is the process by which the JTAC/FAC(A) coordinates and confirms that the attacking aircraft and the third party contributor have acquired the correct target or mark.
- What is the minimum and maximum range of the M120 120mm mortar using M934A1 HE/MOF?
MAX: 7020m MIN: 165m
- What is the RALS Rule? After defining the rule, write an example of it below.
Right Add, Left Subtract
- A (3 blanks) is a specific region into which any weapon system may fire without additional coordination with the establishing headquarters.
Free Fire Area
- A (blank) is an entity or object that performs a function for the adversary considered for possible engagement or other action. In intelligence usage, a country, area, installation, agency, or person against which intelligence operations are directed. An area designated and numbered for future firing. In gunfire support usage, an impact burst that hits the target.
- During fire support planning, to help ensure all considerations are addressed, the memory aid FA-PARCA can be an instrumental. Write the meaning of each variable below.
F-Fire support tasks, described in terms of a clear task, purpose, and effect.
A-Allocation of assets or targets to subordinate units.
P-Positioning guidance for fire support assets and observers.
A-Attack guidance.
C-Coordinating instructions.
A-Assessment (measure of performance, measure of effectiveness)
- Fill in the FPF planning table with the appropriate length and meters.
- What is the 0.1% Probability of Incapacitation for the 105-mm (M1130) standing at 1/3, 2/3, and maximum ranges?
1/3=285 2/3=355 3/3=505
- During defensive operations, (blank) must always be kept under constant surveillance and covered by fire(s) in order to be effective
31 . Angle T is the interior angle formed at the (blank) by the intersection of the (blank) and the gun-target lines with it’s (blank) at the target.
Angle T is the interior angle formed at the target by the intersection of the observer target line and the gun target lines with it’s vertex at the target.
- List the five methods of determining direction.
Scaling from a map, Compass,Estimation, Reference Point, Precision Measuring Devices
- Why it is extremely vital for the FIST to know the gun target line when conducting tactical military operations?
- A (3 blanks) is an area of coverage employed by weapons locating radar which the maneuver commander designates as critical to the protection of an asset whose loss would seriously jeopardize the mission.
Critical Friendly Zone
- What is the 0.1% Probability of Incapacitation for the 81-mm (All) Mortar standing at 1/3, 2/3, and maximum ranges?
1/3=190 2/3=210 3/3=220
- During SLOCTOP; (blank) is the number one priority for the team.
(3 blanks) is used when the JTAC/FAC (A) requires control of individual attacks and the situation requires the JTAC/FAC(A) to visually acquire the attacking aircraft and visually acquire the target for each attack.
Type 1 Control
- (3 blanks) is used when the JTAC/FAC(A) requires control of individual attacks and is unable to visually acquire the attacking aircraft at weapons release or is unable to visually acquire the target
Type 3 Control
- Direction is expressed in mils, degrees, or relative term. List the 8 cardinal directions in mils and what each corresponds to relative term.
N-0 NE-800 E-1600 SE-2400 S-3200 SW-4000 W-4800 NW-5600
- Final protective fires may be any distance from the friendly position but is normally within (blank) to (blank) meters of friendly positions.
Final Protective Fires may be any distance from the friendly position but is normally within 200 to 400 meters of friendly positions.
41 . List the requirements for achieving accurate first-round fire for effect.
five requirements for accurate fires are: accurate target location and size, accurate firing unit location, accurate weapon and ammunition information, accurate meteorological information, and accurate computational procedures
- A (3 blanks) is an immediately available (blank) barrier of fire designed to (blank) enemy movement across defensive lines
A Final Protective Fire is an immediately available prearranged barrier of fire designated to impede enemy movement across defensive lines.
- A (blank) of targets is consists of two or more targets on which fires is desired simultaneously.
A group of targets consists of two or more targets on which fires is desired simultaneously.
- A (2 blanks) is a target that is in a circular pattern or is vague as to exact composition and has a radius greater than (blank) meters
A circular target is a target that is in a circular pattern or is vague as to exact composition and has a radius greater than 200m.
- List the six methods of target location?
Grid, Laser Grid, Polar, Laser Polar, Mensuration, Shift
- An observer must use a (blank) format to identify information on a terrain sketch. List the four mandatory pieces of information that must be contained within each formatted item.
Panoramic; Grid, Altitude, Direction, Distance
- What items comprise the terrain sketch?
The skyline, Intermediate crests, hills, and ridges, Other natural terrain features, Manmade features, Labels
- Fill in the appropriate data for average smoke burn times and average obscuration lengths in the planning table.
- What are the four uses of Shell white phosphorus?
Marking, Incendiary, Obscuration, Screening
- Provide what information goes into each line of the Rotary Wing 5-Line Brief.
Rotary wing 5-line
Warning order
Friendly location and mark
Target location
Target description and mark
Remarks and restrictions
- List the 8 critical pieces of information an observer will receive as part of the CAS Check-in Brief.
CAS Check in
Mission #
Abort code
Type of AC
- What are the five illumination patterns?
One gun, two gun, two gun range, two gun lateral, four gun
- What is a use of obscuration smoke?
Obscuration Uses
Defeat flash ranging and disrupt counterfire
Obscure adversary observation posts and reduce their ability to provide accurate target locationfor adversary fire support assets.
Obscure adversary direct fire weapons and lasers.
Instill Apprehension and increase threat patrolling
Slow adversary vehicles to blackout speeds
Increase control problems by disrupting visual signals and increasing radio traffic
Defeat night observation devices and reduce capability of most IR devices
- Fire support planning is conducted at all echelon levels, and is integrated through targeting and the running estimate. What is included in an integrated fires plan?
FSEM, FS Overlay, TLWS
- Army SEAD operations are designed to support operational and tactical plans by protecting Army aviation assets near the (3 blanks).
Forward Line Of Troops
- Danger Close indicates FRIENDLY troops are within (blank) probability of incapacitation from the target as determined by the weapon or munition that is delivered or fired.
- Cleared HOT is and close air support terminal attack control clearance to release ordinance?
Type 1 and Type 2
- When briefing aircraft on the situation the acronym TTFACOR is used, what does it stands for;
Clearance Authority
Remarks Restrictions
- Laser range finders are the preferred means of determining the observer-target distance. When a laser range finder is used, distance may be determined to the nearest
1 meter
- Using flash to bang, the observer counts the number of seconds between the time the round impacts (flash) and the time the sound reaches the observer (bang) and multiply by (blank) meters/second. The answer is the approximate number of meters between the observer and the round.
350 m/s
61 . In a polar plot mission, the FDC only needs to know the (blank) location.
Observers Location
- The goal of every observer is to provide the most accurate (2 blanks) possible by using the full range of capability and equipment.
Target Location
- The transmission of the Aviation/SOF gunship call for fire unless “at my command” or “danger close” has been stated constitutes aircraft (3 blanks)
Fire When Ready
- provide the proper laser safety zone information for a target that located at 135 degrees from the observer to the target. The appropriate laser safety cone information is:
LS 145CW195 RS 85CW125
- A (3 blanks) is a certified and qualified service member who request, controls, and adjusts surface-to-surface fires; provides (blank) information in support of close air support; and performs terminal guidance operations.
Joint Fires Observer, Targeting
- The objective of an impact registration is to get spotting’s of (blank) rounds, (blank) and (blank) along the observer target line from rounds fired with the same data or from rounds fired with data (blank) apart.
2 rounds over and under; 25 m
- List the 14 methods of control.
14 methods of control
Fire When Ready
Cannot observe
Coord. Illum
Cont. Illum
Check Fire
Cease Loading
Continuous Fire
Request Splash
- The NSFS call for fire is sent in (blank) transmission.
- List the 15 Subsequent corrections in order.
15 subsequent corrections
OT direction
Method of Fire
Deviation Correction
Range Correction
HOB Correction
Target Desc.
Mission Type/Method of Control
- (blank) is used when the JTAC/FAC (A) requires control of individual attacks and the situation requires the JTAC/FAC (A) to visually acquire the attacking aircraft and visually acquire the target for each attack.
Type 1
71 . Which fixed wing aircraft can be equipped with 20mm, 2.75 inch rockets, AGM 65, GBU, and GP bombs?
- During adjustments of a fire mission, an observer spots a round which burst left of the target along the OT line. The range to the target is 700 meters. The observer measures the angular deviation as 45 mils left. His deviation spotting is (blank)
45 left
- The MK-82/BLU-111 consists of what ordnance description?
Mk-82/BLU-111: 500-pound (lb) general purpose (GP) bomb. BLU-111 uses a thermally protected body. Effects: blast, fragmentation, and limited cratering.
- Know how to authenticate, using RAMROD.
Know How to Authenticate using RAMROD
- means the laser designator system is inoperative.
- Fixed wing aircraft provide FS with (blank), C2, ISR, SCAR, (blank), (blank) and
- (3 blanks) is the air action by aircraft against hostile targets that in close proximity to friendly forces and that require detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces.
Close Air Support
- For (3 blanks) missions, all aircraft delivering ordinance must read back line 4 and line 6 from their system or weapon, as appropriate, in conjunction with other required restrictions.
Bomb on Coordinate
- (Blank) is when two or more munitions will be released or fired in close succession.
- What does ten seconds refer to when conducting TGO?
Standby to lase target