MPP final Flashcards
To know and participate in cultural forms and meanings.
Contextualization is the process of translating and communicating the gospel into a culture so people can understand and respond to it.
Ethnocentrism – a problem of feelings and values.
Culture Shock
Disorientation and psychological unrest caused by a loss of cultural cues.
True or False: Single-hood is an impediment in missions. Explain.
false! Many biblical missionaries were single. Being single allows one to focus on the Lord’s work.
According to the “Basic Missionary Strategy for Starting a New Work,” discussed in class,
Objective 2 is to establish a congregation that is what four things?
- Self-supporting
- Self-propagating
- Self-governing
- Indigenous
Make a case for the single missionary.
All successful missionary models are based on the ministries and methods of Jesus and Paul (both bachelors).
There appears to be a greater precedent in the New Testament for single missionaries than for married ones.
We need more singles involved in every aspect of church work, especially missions.
If one’s heart is set on doing missionary work, why is it better to remain single than to marry someone who doesn’t share the same convictions and dreams?
If an unwilling partner is dragged to the mission field, the work may not be fruitful and you may both become miserable. This can lead to an early return home.
Make a case for the single female missionary.
Many women in the Bible did great work
Women are instructed to teach other women
A single woman can do a lot on the mission field!
According to class discussion, is the following statement True or False: Godly women have always been the backbone of the Lord’s church.
Sum up in one sentence what a single woman can do on the mission field (as noted in class).
“Whatever I can that needs to be done.”
Grace Johnson Farrar
As noted in class, what are some special challenges single women might face on the mission field? (identify at least three)
Personal safety
Suspicion, prejudice, and castigation
Cultural norms
According to class discussion, is the following statement True or False: Everyone in the world shares the same views about male-female interaction and relationships.
What advice was given in class with respect to dating on the mission field if one does not intend to marry, or if one is only planning to be in the host country for a short period of time?
don’t date
Which of the following would be a good motive for dating on the mission field:(a) to cope with loneliness; (b) to occupy your time; (c) to satisfy self-interests or selfish desires? Why or why not?
none of them, In most cultures, dating is for the purpose of marriage
As noted in class, when it comes to dating conventions on the mission field, if in doubt, what
should you do?
don’t do it!
According to Gary Beauchamp, dating is as much a __________________ as it is a privilege.
The means through which God’s call is made is what?
The gospel
Why are missions statistics among churches of Christ often inaccurate and misleading?
Sometimes statistics count husbands and wives separately; sometimes they are counted as one
It is hard to maintain up-to-date statistics
As noted in class, if you’re looking for an “easy” mission field, what might you want to
A different career
As noted in class, the only way to fully prepare for foreign missionary work is what?
To actually do it
In a general sense, who has been “called”?
all christians
Is there a special “missionary call” specifically designated in the New Testament?
Are all Christians called to be involved in the missionary enterprise in some way?
Yes! These commands are directed toward all who have been saved
Can we can know that God works providentially in the lives of “the called”?
Can we always be certain about the particulars of God’s providential will?
Has God created each human being as a free moral agent with the ability to think and the
freedom to choose?
Do mission-minded people need direct supernatural guidance to obey God’s revealed will and to respond to the spiritual needs of this world?
Is there any inhabited place on earth where the gospel doesn’t need to be proclaimed?
Does God open doors? (2 Cor. 2:12).
Does God close doors? (Acts 16:6-10).
In choosing a mission field, what are the first two essentials (as noted in class)?
Do your homework
According to class discussion, what is God’s missionary-sending agency?
The local congregation
Who is the head of Christ’s universal church?
Christ himself
Where is the headquarters of the church of Christ?
Church elders have oversight over whom?
The members of the congregation in which they have membership
Is the concept of collectivity and cooperation according to God’s design?
Is there any biblical precedent for the solo missionary?
Yes; John the Baptist, Stephen, Philip, Apollos
As noted in class, when a missionary goes solo, he is totally alone?
No – Jesus is with us always
According to the instructor, based on biblical principles and examples, which is the better option: the solo missionary or team missions?
Where do we find scriptural justification for supporting those in full-time ministry: the Old Testament, the teachings of Jesus, the New Testament, or all of the above?
all of the above
According to class discussion, can a congregation receive outside rule (from human leaders) without losing its autonomy?
What is meant by congregational autonomy?
how a congregation is able to stand alone
without the need of an outside organization.
What is meant by the sponsoring church concept?
A congregation whose eldership accepts the responsibility of sending and supporting a missionary by coordinating the funds contributed by other supporting congregations
Before anything else is done to raise funds, it is highly recommended that one acquires what?
The backing of a good sponsoring congregation
What is the positive side of having to secure funds from a number of congregations and
You are helping to get more brethren involved in foreign evangelism
As noted in class, what is the best source for determining financial needs?
Missionaries who are already on the field
. Raising support will be of little benefit if it is not what?
Essential to keeping your supporters interested and involved in your work is keeping them
Since putting together a well-written report is so time consuming, why is the time well spent?
It enables you to remain supported on the field
If a congregation cannot support you because their budget is already stretched to the limit
supporting other mission efforts, what attitude should you have about that?
Be thankful!
In bridging cultural gaps, what are the four levels of viewing a culture?
- Tourist
- Interlinear
- Value system
- World view
To successfully communicate the gospel leading to genuine conversion to Christ, change must
take place at which level before working through the other levels?
World view
Who are the two individuals who serve as biblical examples of cultural identification noted in
1 Jesus
2. Paul
In overcoming cross-cultural misunderstandings, our first role is that of what?
Solution is to learn how the other culture operates our first role is that of a learner
In seeking to raise support, why is it important to remain calm and collected?
when people see you dealing with a lot of stress and remaining Christ-like while doing it, people will notice
As a general rule, why is it best to try to raise a little more money than you think you might need for missions?
There are always hidden costs that you had not planned for
Why is it helpful to plan a personal visit with your supporters every two or three years?
- Make personal contact
2. Raise additional funds
Why is it hard to biblically define the term “missionary”?
- It is not a Bible word
* A missionary’s mission is to share the gospel, but that applies to every Christian
Based on our “Writing Support Letters” discussion, briefly comment on the importance of each of the following:
~Think before you write: You should develop a plan, set your goals, and list your needs
~Keep it simple and short: Put in important information and stick to the points. They won’t read it otherwise!
~Proof read: It looks really bad if you don’t do this…
~Follow up: Your letter is one of many. Be prepared to send additional information, thank you notes, etc.
~After-action reporting: After the trip, send reports discussing the successes, your future plans, etc. This will keep your supporters supporting!