Mozart, The Magic Flute: Excerpts from Act 1 no.4 (Queen of the Night), 5 (Quintet) Flashcards
What is an aria?
An aria is a long song accompanying a solo voice, usually in an opera.
A1 No.4 : What is the texture?
The texture is mainly melody-dominated homophony.
A1 No.4 : Does the piece begin with the aria or a recitative?
After the orchestral introduction there is a short passage of accompanied recitative.
A1 No.4 : What key does the first section of the aria begin in?
For contrast, the larghetto middle section is in the relative minor key of G minor.
What year was The Magic Flute written?
Classical Period.
A1 No.4 : What voice is the piece written for?
Coloratura soprano.
A1 No.4 : What key is the recitative in?
B♭ major.
A1 No.4 : How many sections is the aria of Act 1 No.4 split into?
The first section begins in G minor and is a moderate paced legato (smoothly flowing)
aria in simple triple time.
The final allegro moderato (moderately fast) section is in B♭ major.
A1 No.4 : Describe the rhythm in the opening of the recitative.
The recitative begins with continuous repeated crotchet tonic pedal notes in the
bass, with syncopated repeated quavers in the violins.
A1 No.4 : What is the main key?
The key is B♭ major and most of the music is diatonic in that key.
A1 No.4 : What cadence is used at the end?
The aria ends with repeated, emphatic perfect cadences.
A1 No.5 : What is the name of Act 1 No.5?
Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm!
What musical era did Mozart live throughout?
Classical (1750-1820)
What are some characteristics of the classical era?
Variety and contrast within a piece become more pronounced than before.
- Variety of keys, melodies, rhythms
- Dynamics (use of crescendos, diminuendos, and sforzando).
- Orchestra increased in size and range.
Act 1 No.5 : Describe the dynamics.
- Mozart frequently uses sotto voce.
- There are more dynamic indications than in act No.4.
Act 1 No.5 : What is the texture?
Mainly melody dominated homophony.
Act 1 No.5 : What is the time signature?
The movement is in cut common time, giving the tempo a swift two-in-a-bar feel to it.
Act 1 No.5 : Describe the rhythm.
The rhythms and note values are generally very simple (mainly crotchets and quavers), to emphasise the comic nature and simplicity of Papageno.
Act 1 No.5 : Describe the sonority.
- Five singing parts.
- At the andante section (bar 214) the clarinets are accompanied by pizzicato strings for a more sombre mood.
Act 1 No.5 : What is the harmony like?
- Diatonic and functional.
- There are numerous uses of appoggiaturas.