MOZ Intro and Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is SEO?
It’s the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to your brand, through non-paid search engine results.
What makes up SEO?
Seo is 50% people oriented and 50% search engine oriented
It’s understanding WHAT people are searching for, the ANSWERS they want, the WORDS they’re using, and the TYPE OF CONTENT they want to consume.
It all has to be delivered in a way that search engine crawlers can FIND and UNDERSTAND it
What is SERP?
Search Engine Results Page
SERPS include: advertising, snippets, “people also ask”, image carousels, etc.
However, there are some search features that can’t typically be influenced by SEO because they have data acquired from proprietary data sources like wikipedia, webmd and imdb.
The majority of web traffic is driven by ______
search engines.
Organic search results cover more digital real estate, appear more credible to those researching and get more clicks than ads. SEO has 20x more traffic opportunity than PPC on both mobile and desktop
If SEO is done right, it can ________
continue to deliver traffic where as paid ads are short lived and rely on funds to continue their lifespan
What should you focus on when creating SEO content?
Focus on understanding and fulfilling user intent. Meet the users desired outcome.
What are the common user intent types? Give an example of each one.
Informational: “What is the best makeup brand”
Navigational: “Mac”
Transactional: “Good deals on Mac makeup”
How do you get an idea of a users intent?
evaluate the current SERP for the googled keyword.
See a image carousel? Users may be looking for images related to that keyword.
Evaluate what type of content the top rankers are providing. How could that site have made that content better? Use those ideas to recreate it with the noted improvements for your own site.
Provide relevant, high quality content to rank higher and establish credibility and trust with online audience.
Why should you know your website/client goals?
This will determine what areas of SEO you should focus on, where to track conversions, how to set benchmarks and how to create talking points for SEO projects
What are the common KPI’s?
Sales Downloads Email Signups Contact Form Submissions Phone Calls Click to Call - GMB Click to website - GMB Click for driving directions - GMB
Why aren’t ranking and traffic included as KPI’s for SEO?
there’s no point in all that if it isn’t accomplishing a business objective. i.e. would you rather have 1k visits and 3 sales or 300 visits and 40 sales?
Lay out the business goals before starting on SEO. Then once a strategy is in place you should be able to make the connection between your SEO and revenue.
What is a conversion based on?
A conversion is based on the function of the website - To make a sale, to book an appointment, etc.
Prioritize these conversions based on what is the best “money maker” and balance out with whatever else the business offers