Moves To End The Cold War: Thatcher And The Second Cold War 1979-85 Flashcards
Why was USSR weakened towards end of Cold War?
-by early 80s was overstretched militarily
-led by generation of old men eking out last days of their power
What was the new Cold War?
-when the new Cold War warriors emerged - br PM, polish pope + US pres each determined to challenge Soviet power militarily c ideologically
-marked by tough rhetoric + rising tension
What was thatchers as the iron lady’s views on the Cold War?
-promoted dem values internationally + spoke out against communism
-determined challenge society power
How was thatcher Reagan poodle?
-1981 allowed US store cruise missiles using UK airbases as launching pads
-they were remote controlled rockets capable travelling hundreds miles leading to many CND protests
What did this international tensions lead to fears of
-genuine fear nuclear war between east + west likely
-gov published ‘protect + survive’ booklets telling what to do in nuclear attack
How were these fears reflected in popular culture?
-bbc tv drama ‘threads’ 1984 documentary style account of aftermath of nuclear war
-‘when the third wind blows’ cartoon book by Raymond Briggs 1986 showing how elderly couple prepared for nuclear conflict