Movements Flashcards
Began about mid 1900s, opposed to strict formalism that characterizes much of abstract art: Archile Gorky (1904-1948) American artist, one of the founders
Abstract Expressionism
Early 1900s, imposed formal structure of largely monochromatic planes upon an object; it’s chief exponents were Pablo Picasso and George’s Braque, who saw it as a stark expression of the impact of modernity
About 1400-1480, in Italy: artist begin to approximate reality in form, space, color
Early Renaissance art
Began about 1960s, creating art in nature: Robert Smithson (1938-1973) Spiral Jetty in Utah
Earth art
About 1900s, Daring treatment of unexpected and shocking teams, sharp contrast of colors and shapes, bold brushwork, arbitrary color, harshly unreal drawing
About 1900s, motion brought to Cubism: Humberto Boccioni (1882-1916) Orpheus
About 1592 -1750, began in Northern France before the middle of the 12th-century and in the rest of Western Europe slightly later, most distinctive are the cathedrals: Notre-Dame in Paris
Gothic style
About 1500-1580, central Italy: spatial depth and harmony, natural proportions, graceful poses
High Renaissance
About 1860-1875, considered photography false to the psychological perception of reality in color and motion, fascination with transformations wrought by light on natural objects, surfaces, atmospheric spaces
Nervous, spaceless, crowded with twisting, turbulent figures, unnaturally lengthened
Mannerism 1520-1580
Began about 1960s, simple objects, shorn of all suggestion of meaning or of human receptiveness (e.g., bookshelves), Donald Judd, art based on pure proportion: untitled, seven identical quadrangle cubic masses of galvanized iron
Minimal art
1775-1825, held Baroque in adherence, return to discipline in form drawing and composition
Old stone age 30,000-10,000 B.C.E., cave art, large scale paintings in caves
Paleolithic art
Intended to shock, combines theatricism with art, first performance artist: Allan Kaprow: 18 Happenings in 6 Parts
Performance art
Began about 1980s, picture was painted, unaltered, with an airbrush for my photographic slide projected on the canvas, as long as the subject was as banal as possible: Richard Estes (1936-) Hotel Empire, oil on canvas