Move Off the Solution Flashcards
Client Statement: “The pace of deal activity is starting to pick up, and our growth-through-acquisition strategy is straining our ability to effectively manage our existing (chemicals) business. Tell me about what you can do for us.”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: “See “No Guessing” cards (Clarify “deal activity” and “straining”)
Problems: “I’d be glad to describe our services, and I think you’ll like what you hear. Could you help me with some context? (Sure.) What problems are you facing because the deal activity is straining your ability to manage the business?”
Results: “I’d be happy to go over some options with you. May I ask a few questions first? (Yes.) What would you like to change in your ability to manage the business?”
Issues: “Well, there’s a lot to tell. Just so I can make my comments relevant, what are the top three or four business issues you would hope to check off if this solution were in place?”
Client Statement: “Our (utility) company has made the decision to invest in the uCommerce arena. Do you have the resources to help us deploy the technology that would allow us to do this?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “uCommerce arena.”)
Problems: “Our resource pool is quite large. Before we discuss that, could we talk about the business problems that led you to seek a uCommerce solution?”
Results: “We do. Just so I’m not guessing, could we talk about what you expect to achieve with an investment in the uCommerce arena?”
Issues: “We certainly do. Help me understand your situation a bit more. What are the business issues you hope to address with a uCommerce solution?”
Client Statement: “Our managers are spending too much time trying to access employee information through our HR database. The user interface is slow and difficult to navigate. Do you provide services in this area?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: NA
Problems: “Quite likely. Could I ask a few questions? (Yes.) When your managers spend too much time on this task, what are some of the negative consequences to the business?”
Results: “We have helped clients with these types of issues before, and it seems that everyone is after something slightly different. What are some of the positive outcomes you are hoping to achieve as a result of this project?”
Issues: “We do. Out of curiosity, what business issues do you hope an improved interface will address?”
Client Statement: “We’d like to move to ePayments, especially for our large (paper) customers. Do you have the technical infrastructure experience to support these types of fulfillment services?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “ePayments” and “fulfillment services.”)
Problems: “We do. Just so I understand the big picture, what problems are you experiencing that you’d like ePayments to resolve?”
Results: “We have helped other organizations with similar requests. Let’s say you had an ePayment capability. What would that allow you to achieve as an organization that you can’t achieve now?”
Issues: “Yes. Just so I understand your situation better, what business issues are you expecting ePayments to address for your organization?”
Client Statement: “We operate in 10 different countries around the world. Our risk management processes vary by geographic location, and that is putting us at a competitive disadvantage. We have had some significant surprises in some of our locations. There must be a better way to manage risk and avoid surprises.”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “risk management,” “competitive disadvantage,” and “significant surprises.”
Problems: “Perhaps there is. Let’s start with the big picture. When you say you are at a competitive disadvantage, how does that play out?” (Or, Would you describe the negative surprises that you have encountered?)
Results: “There very well may be. In thinking about the results you would like to realize with respect to risk management and your global operations, what things come to mind?”
Issues: “I agree. If I were you, I wouldn’t accept anything less. In addition to a better competitive position, what other business issues would you expect to address with a standardized risk management processes?”
Client Statement: “We’re interested in automating our (industrial metals) sales and distribution processes. Is an off-the-shelf SAP system the right way to go?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “automating,” “sales and distribution processes,” and “SAP System”).
Problems: “Possibly. Let me get a few more details first. What business challenges are you currently facing because your sales and distribution processes are not automated.”
Results: “Well, let’s explore that question together. Suppose you were able to automate these processes to your satisfaction. What long-term results would that yield for your business?”
Issues: “Let’s find out. Could you run through a list of business issues you hope to address by automating your sales and distribution processes?”
Client Statement: “We’d like to make some back-office enhancements or possibly outsource. Can you give us a description of the services you offer in this area?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “back-office enhancements” and “outsource.”)
Problems: “I’d be happy to. First, do you mind if I ask what problems you’re facing as a business that are driving this request?
Results: “Certainly. Help me understand the context of your situation better. What results are you hoping your organization will realize once your back office is operating as you’d life?
Issues: “I’d be happy to. Regardless of whether you put the enhancements in place or outsource, what business issues are you hoping to address with back-office enhancements?”
Client Statement: “We’d like to develop an interactive purchasing function for our (paper) manufacturing buyers. Can you give us some insight into how other companies like our are approaching this?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “interactive” and “purchasing function.”)
Problems: “I could with a little more information. What are the specific business problems that you hope this interactive purchasing function will solve?”
Results: “Help me get a better sense of your long-term objectives. What business results would you expect to achieve through an interactive purchasing function that you can’t achieve now?
Issues: Before offering any insights, do you mind if I ask a few more questions? (Sure.) Are there some business issues you hope to address with this solution that I should be aware of?”
Client Statement: “We’re interested in developing a strategy to identify and acquire large (utility) customers. How would we begin that conversation with you?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “strategy.”)
Problems: “Well, I’d be happy to begin that conversation with you now. I know you wouldn’t be asking if you were satisfied with the status quo. What kinds of challenges are you experiencing without the strategy in place?”
Results: “We could start by identifying a list of results you expect to achieve six months or a year from now as a result of this strategy. In addition to the obvious desire to increase revenue, what other results would make the list?”
Issues: “Well, this conversation can be a beginning. Help me out a bit. What business issues are you hoping to check off by developing a strategy to identify and acquire large customers?”
Client Statement: “We’re interested in outsourcing our accounting and billing function to better serve our (natural gas) customers. We know you handle IT functions. Do you also provide services in this area?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “outsourcing,” “accounting and billing function” and “better serve.”)
Problems: “We do. Help me understand your situation a bit more. Are there some particular business problems you hope to solve by outsourcing your accounting and billing function?”
Results: “Absolutely. In fact, it’s one of our core competencies. Just so I get the big picture, what results do you expect your business to accrue from an outsourcing solution?”
Issues: “Yes. In fact it’s one of the fun and exciting things we do. It would be helpful if I could ask a few more questions. (Okay.) What business issues are you hoping to address by outsourcing your accounting and billing function?”
Client Statement: “We’d like to develop a more competitive compensation and benefits package to meet the personal and professional needs of our employees. Could you do something like that for us?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “competitive” and “personal and professional needs.”
Problems: “Let’s find out. What is going on in your organization right now that tells you your compensation and benefits package is not meeting the needs of your employees?”
Results: “Quite likely. Let me ask you this. What results would you expect to see if your compensation and benefits package met the personal and professional needs of your employees?”
Issues: “Quite likely. What business issues are driving the need for this request?”
Client Statement: “The deregulation of the utility industry is increasing the complexity of our business. What can you do to help us migrate to a new operating model?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “increasing the complexity,” “migrate” and “new operating model.”)
Problems: “Helping utilities handle deregulation is something we do a lot. Before we get into the details, could you describe the negative impact on your utility because of the new complexities?”
Results: “Several ideas come to mind. Help me get the big picture. What are some of the outcomes you’re hoping to achieve by migrating to a new operating model?”
Issues: “Our experience in this area is quite extensive, so I think you’d be interested in what we have to offer. Before we get into the details, what are the top three to five businesses you hope this new operating model will address?”
Client Statement: “We are interested in optimizing our field technology. We’d like to hear what you offer in the area of field force enablement. We want to keep our current core systems.”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “optimizing” and “field force enablement.”)
Problems: “It sounds as if you’re not completely satisfied with the status quo. Would you mind sharing some of the business challenges you’re facing because of your current field technology?”
Results: “Okay. Let’s start with the end in mind. Down the road, what business results would you like to see as a result of optimizing your field technology?”
Issues: “That’s certainly a reasonable request. Before we discuss details, could you describe the business issues driving the need for optimizing your field technology?”
Client Statement: “Our (chemicals) division has an ERP system in place. Now, we need to draw better value out of that system. We know you implement these systems. Can you also help us use the system that we have more effectively?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “draw better value” and “more effectively.”)
Problems: “We can. Before we discuss some ideas, would you mind sharing with me the particular challenges your organization is facing because you can’t draw as much value out of your ERP system as you would like that?”
Results: “We can. And let’s say your could draw out value from your ERP system to your satisfaction. What results would your organization realize six months or a year from now because of that?”
Issues: “Absolutely. Just so I’m not guessing, what business issues do you hope to address by drawing more value out of your ERP system?”
Client Statement: “We need to optimize marketing and distribution costs for our (industrial metals) customers. Can we get your thoughts around this?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “optimize” and “marketing and distribution costs.”)
Problems: “I’d be happy to discuss that with you. First, could we talk about the business problems you want to solve by optimizing your marketing and distribution costs?”
Results: “I’d be happy to share my thoughts. Let’s say a year from now you have optimized your marketing and distribution costs for your customers. What results would you be seeing that you aren’t getting now?”
Issues: “I’d be happy to discuss that with you. First, could we talk about the business issues you want to address with this solution.”
Client Statement: “We’re interested in building a business systems capability to optimize our (oil products) supply chain. What would be our first steps in making this happen?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “business systems capability” and “optimize.”)
Problems: “First, we’d need to review the specific challenges that your business is facing as a result of not having an optimized supply chain. Can you start us out with that?”
Results: “First, we’d want to build a business case with you to ensure our solution will exactly meet your needs. Perhaps we could review the end results you expect to achieve by building a business systems capability. Does that sound reasonable?”
Issues: “We can sketch out those steps for you. Before we do that, would you mind sharing with me the particular business issues you hope to address by building a business systems capability?”
Client Statement: “We’d like to better understand the buying patterns of our large corporate (chemical) customers to improve service and product availability. Ca new get your thoughts about this?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “buying patterns” and “improve service.”)
Problems: “I’d be happy to share my two cents. Out of curiosity, what problems are you facing as a business because you don’t have the capability to fully understand certain buying patterns?”
Results: “I could give you some high-level ideas – just so you know you’re talking to the right people. Before I dive into the details, can I ask what business results you are expecting to achieve from this solution six months or a year from now?”
Issues: “I’d be glad to share some information with you. Just so I can make my comments relevant, what business issues would you like to check off as a result of improved service and product availability.”
Client Statement: “We are having real problems with retention. Do you have someone who could talk to us about the services you offer in this area?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: NA
Problems: “Certainly. Just so I can direct you to the best person, what specific problems are you experiencing?”
Results: “Absolutely. Just so I can identify the best person for you to talk with, what specific results are you looking for from a retention solution?”
Issues: “Certainly. Though I could probably guess, what business issues are you hoping to address with a retention solution?”
Client Statement: “We’re looking for ways to optimize our current assets. Have you helped other (power) companies with similar requests?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “optimize.”)
Problems: “We have, and there are some exciting new options we could share with you. Obviously, you wouldn’t ask without a reason. Are there some particular business challenges you are facing because you can’t optimize your assets as well as you’d like?”
Results: “We have, and I could give you some examples. Help me get a better feel for your situation. Let’s walk into the future. You feel that you are optimizing assets about as well as possible. What do you see the organization doing in that future world that is not possible currently?”
Issues: “Yes, we have. Just so I share pertinent information, what are the top two or three business issues you hope to address by investing in a solution to optimize your assets?
Client Statement: “We want a comprehensive review of how we manage our (oil) supply chain. We have to improve productivity at each point in the process while retaining flexibility in meeting our customers’ needs.”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “comprehensive review,” “supply chain,” “improve productivity” and “retaining flexibility.”)
Problems: “Okay. Do you mind if I ask a few questions? (Sure.) What’s letting you know productivity is not where it needs to be?”
Results: “Supply chain management is one of our core competencies. Let’s say we came in and did a great job – how would you measure the success?”
Issues: “It sounds as if you have some very specific objectives in mind. What other business issues, beside productivity and flexibility, would you like to address as part of this effort?”
Client Statement: “We recently merged with another (utility) company. We’re looking for an integration solution for our multiple legacy systems to develop a coherent IT operation. We’re soliciting proposals from top vendors for this work.”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: “See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “integration solution,” “multiple legacy systems” and “coherent IT operation.”)
Problems: “We’re happy to be on your short list. Would it be appropriate for me to ask a few questions? (Yes.) What are the top three or four business challenges you’re facing as a result of the integration problems in your IT operation?
Results: “We’re happy we’re one of the vendors you’re considering. Help me understand your situation a little more. Imagine you have a coherent IT operation in place. What end results are you expecting to achieve that you can achieve otherwise?”
Issues: “Great. We’d love to participate in the bid. Is it all right if we ask a few questions? (Sure.) What key business issues are you hoping to address with an integration solution?”
Client Statement: “We have a global workforce. We’ve received a lot of feedback about the difficulty they have communicating and data sharing. We’re interested in your remote or wireless services.”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “communicating and data sharing” and “remote or wireless services.”)
Problems: “We offer a number of services in this area. Before I describe them, you mentioned they are having difficulty communicating. What kinds of problems is that creating for the business?”
Results: “You have a lot of choices when it comes to remote or wireless services. In a best-case scenario, where would the improved communication and data sharing show up as real-world business results?”
Issues: “Okay, in addition to better communication, what are all of the other issues that you hope to address with remote or wireless services?”
Client Statement: “Before we select a CRM software application, we want to make sure we’re concentrating on what would create a real differentiation in the marketplace. Could you help us develop an effective customer relationship strategy?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “customer relationship strategy.”)
Problems: (Absolutely. In fact, it’s one of our core competencies. Just so I have a more complete picture, are you facing some specific business challenges because you don’t have a solid customer relationship strategy in place? (Or, what problems has the lack of real differentiation caused?)
Results: “Certainly. Customer relationship strategies are actually one of the fun and exciting areas we work in. Let’s say you were able to put the ideal strategy in place, what specific business results would indicate a resounding success?”
Issues: “Absolutely. In fact, it’s one of our core competencies. Help me understand your situation a bit more. What business issues are you hoping to address with a customer relationship strategy?”
Client Statement: “The majority of training programs we offer are traditional, classroom-style workshops. With our business expanding globally, that just doesn’t seem like a cost-effective way to train in many situations. Could you help us revise our workshops for computer-based and online learning?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “cost-effective,” “computer-based” and “online learning.”)
Problems: “Yes, we can. We have alliances with strategic partners to provide this type of service. You mentioned cost. What other problems are driving the need for this change?”
Results: “We’d be happy to help. Just so I can get a clearer picture, what type of hard and soft results would you expect by moving to computer-based or online learning?”
Issues: “Absolutely. Help me get a clearer picture. In addition to cost, what other business issues do you hope to check off with a move to computer-based or online learning?”
Client Statement: “We want to begin an eCommerce initiative so our products and services are more readily available to our (chemical) customers. Do you have the software and consulting expertise to help us get this done in a short time frame?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “eCommerce initiative” and “short timeframe.”)
Problems: “We definitely have the expertise. Time gram depends on numerous factors. Let’s stay at a high level for a moment. What problems are you hoping to resolve with an eCommerce initiative?
Results: “We’ve completed similar projects for a number of organizations. Just so I can get a clearer picture, what business results are you expecting to see with this move to eCommerce?
Issues: Well, let’s discuss that and see if we are the right partner for you. Help me understand your situation better. What business issues are you hoping to address by moving to eCommerce?”
Client Statement: “We’re interested in outsourcing a range of business processes, from finance to HR to accounting, so we can focus on our core (forest products) business. We’ve just begun to explore this option. Could you help guide our thinking at a high level?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “outsourcing.”)
Problems: “Certainly. Help me get the big picture. What business problems are you hoping to solve by outsourcing these various business processes?”
Results: “We’d be happy to help. Play along with me for a moment. Let’s say you outsourced these functions and were very happy with the results. What are the major benefits the organization would realize that would make people say this was a great move for the company?”
Issues: “We could. Just so I don’t assume more than I should, would you review the critical business issues you hope to address by outsourcing these business processes?”
Client Statement: “We need to improve the efficiency and accuracy of our production planning and materials management processes. We’re interested in hearing about custom technology solutions as well as off-the-shelf options.”
Clarify: See “No Guessing” cards. (Clarify “improved efficiency and accuracy” and “production planning and materials management.”)
Problems: “We’d be happy to review those options. Before we dive into the details, can you outline the business challenges you’re facing as a result of your current processes?”
Results: “There are a lot of options available to you. Stepping back a moment though, do you mind if I ask what business results you would expect to achieve form improving these processes?”
Issues: “Great, we can certainly talk about each of those. Out of curiosity, what are the key business issues driving your request for improved process efficiency and accuracy?”
Client Statement: “The internet is such a powerful tool. Could you help us develop a process whereby we can determine customer preferences and then adapt eCommerce offerings to that market segment?”
Consultant Response:
Clarify: See “No Guessing” Cards. (Clarify “process” and “eCommerce offerings.”)
Problems: “Quite likely. Just so I have a bit more background, is your organization experiencing any problems because you don’t have this capability right now?”
Results: “Well, let’s look at it together. Let’s say you could adapt your eCommerce offerings, what positive outcomes would follow that would more than justify the investment of time, people and focus?”
Issues: “We could. Before we start talking about what the process might look like, could we discuss the business issues you hope this solution will address for your organization?”