mouth and upper resp tract 3 Flashcards
Ethmoid Hematoma:
- May have a common origin with sinus cyst
- Cause unknown
- Behave like a tumor
- Results in hemorrhage in submucosa of endoturbinate.
- May invade sinus
Ethmoid Hematoma:
Clinical Signs
- Mild, intermittent, unilateral epistaxis
- +/- respiratory noise
- +/- foul odor
- +/- facial deformation
- +/- head shyness, shaking
ethmoid hematoma dx
- Endoscopy: Dark red or greenish mass protruding from ethmoid region which may extend into nasal cavity
- Radiology: Soft-tissue density, originating in ethmoid region
- also CT, histology
Ethmoid Hematoma:
- Laser ablation-standing or under GA
- Formaldehyde injection
- Surgical removal
Difficulty eating &/or Swallowing (+/- dysphagia):
- most common reasons
- Brachygnathism
- Cleft Palate
- Cheek Tooth problems
- Mandibular, pre-maxillar or maxillar fracture
- Others: traumatic wounds to lip, tongue, gum…
Brachygnathism (Parrot mouth)
- etiology, results
- Shortening of the mandible
- Inherited
- +/- prehension problem in pasture
- Result in abnormal wear of premolar and molars
Brachygnathism (Parrot mouth)
- Prevent abnormal wear > by regular dental rasping
- Surgical correction in foals > Wire retention braces between upper incisors & premolars
- Do not use for breeding
Cleft Palate
- etiology, issues, dx, tx
- Uncommon-genetic most likely
- Regurgitation of food via nostrils > Secondary pneumonia
- Palpation, Endoscopy
- Treatment > Surgical-poor
Cheek Teeth problems (premolars and molars)
clinical signs:
- Malocclusion or abnormalities
- Abnormal wear
<><><><> - Abnormal appetite, weight loss
- Quidding
- Chew slowly and may tilt head
Cheek Teeth problems (premolars and molars)
Normal wear: Grinding action result:
- Hooks formation upper 1st (PM2) and lower 6th (M3)
- Hooks formation outside of upper and inside lower arcade
Cheek Teeth problems (premolars and molars)
Oral examination:
- Sedation
- Good gag (McPherson type)
- Check for: hooks, uneven occlusion, dental/periodontal disease
may see: - Hooks
- Uneven occlusion (waves, steps)
- Dental/periodontal disease
- Soft tissue injury
Cheek Teeth problems (premolars and molars)
- Removal of sharp points
- Even occlusal surface
- Handheld or power float
Asymmetry of the head and cranial neck
- Facial Asymmetry of the head reasons
- Sinusitis/sinus cyst
- Dental Disease > Upper arcade, Lower arcade
- Tooth “eruption bumps”
- Trauma
Sinus cyst
- what is it? etiology? who gets it?
- what can it cause?
- Cyst filled with a yellow, viscous fluid (unless infected)
- Etiology unknown
- Suspected to be of dental origin
- Usually seen in young animal
- May develop in adult
<><><><> - Cyst expansion > distortion and/or destruction of:
- Nasal conchal
- Sinuses structure
- Nasal septum
- Facial bone
- Tooth bud
Cranial Cervical Asymmetry
- causes
- Guttural Pouch Empyema or Mycosis
- Lymphadenopathy
> Strep equi equi
> Swelling in retropharyngeal/parotid area
> Medical treatment but may need surgical drainage
<><><> - Guttural pouch tympany > Redundant membrane at pharyngeal opening of guttural pouch acts as 1-way valve > air enters, but does not escape > gas distention of pouch > potential respiratory obstruction, dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia
<><><> - Dentigerous cyst (“ear tooth”): Cyst in temporal region (lined with squamous epithelium & containing tooth-like material) > temporal swelling > draining tract usually exiting at base of ear
Incisive-Bone (premaxilla) & Mandibular Asymmetry
- generally due to:
- Fractures
- Neoplasia: uncommon
Incisive-Bone (premaxilla) & Mandibular Asymmetry
- Fractures tx, prognosis
(1) If unilateral, stable & minor displacement > sometimes able to treat conservatively
(2) If displaced, unstable or bilateral > stabilization necessary
(3) Various configurations of wires, pins, plates, external fixators, etc. have been used
(4) Prognosis favorable, although potential for tooth loss, tooth-root infection, sequestration or osteomyelitis