Mouth Flashcards
Disease of oral cavity can be divided in2 2 groups……&……
Those affecting the soft tissue like salivary gland and Those affecting teeth
Numerate the Ulcerative and inflammatory Lesions of Mouth ?
1) Aphthous Ulcers( Canker Sores)
2) Herpesvirus infection
3) Fungal infection
4) Leukoplakia
5) Erythroplakia
Numerate the disease of salivary glands?
1)sialadenitis include : A-Mumps B-Bacterial Sialadenitis C-Autoimmune sialadenitis 2)Tumours of salivary glands include : A-Bening pleomorphic adenoma B-Cystoadenolymphoma
Aphthous Ulcers affecting…..&…..&…..&…..?
1) soft plate
2) Buccolabial mucosa
3) floor of the mouth
4) lateral borders of the tongue
Ingestion of certain foods is cause of fungal infection True /False?
False .The correct is
Aphthous Ulcer
The canker sores is resolve within few weeks and it doesn’t recur again True/False?
False .The correct is
It may recur in same or different locations
Herpes stomatitis is caused by HIV ?
False .The correct is
It caused by HSV 1
The first infection of Herpes Virus1 is symptomatic True /False? And why!
False .the primary infection is asymptomatic but virus persist in dormant state within ganglia around mouth
Sun or cold exposure is cause of Leukoplakia True/False?
False .The correct is
Is cause of Herpes stomatitis.
Oral thrush is a type of sialadenitis ?
False .The correct is
It is Fungal infection
Numerate the cause of Oral moniliasis ?
1) Diabetes Mellitus
2) Anemia
3) Antibiotic or glucocorticoid therapy
4) Immunodeficiency ,Disseminated cancer
Fungal Infection of oesophagus come from what ?
Candidiasis may spread into the oesophagus when a nasogastric tube has been introduced
The whitish lesions are of strong associated with…..&…..&…..?
1) Use of tobacco
2) Chronic friction
3) Alcohol abuse
The dominant cause of mumps …..!
Bacterial sialadenitis is seen in Sjögren syndrome True/False?
False .The correct is
Autoimmune Sialadenitis is seen in Sjögren Syndrome
70%-80% of tumours of parotid gland is malignant True/False?
False .The correct is
Benign pleomorphic adenoma (mixed tumour of salivary gland)
10% of submandibular gland tumours are Warthin Tumours True/False ?
False .The correct is
Benign tumours
Histologic features of Pleomorphic Adenoma is homogeneous ?
Malignancy is more common in submaxillary gland True/False ?
Warthin tumours consist of double layer of epithelial tissue trapped hematopoiesis tissue True/False?
False .The correct is
It trapped well developed lymphoid tissue (regional lymph node)
In Warthin tumours ,Half of reported cases have….
Had prior radiation exposure