Motor Learning Flashcards
When assessing performance and making instructional decisions, which of the following must be considered?
d) All of the above
The field of study that focuses on the neural, physical, and behavior aspects that underlie human movement is _____.
B) Motor Control
Which of the following would NOT be considered a motor skill?
B) Knee-jerk reflex
A discrete skill:
c) has beginning and end points that are clearly defined
A skill that is composed of a number of discrete skills whose integrated performance is crucial for goal achievement is categorized as a/an:
a) serial skill
Which of the following is an example of a serial skill?
c) A floor routine in gymnastics
Which of the following is a continuous skill?
c) Rollerblading
Mountain biking, which requires the performer to continually adapt his or her responses to conform to the trail, would be considered what kind of skill:
a) an open skill
Practice for open skills should emphasize which of the following?
c) context variability
According to Gentile, the environmental factors that specify the movement characteristics necessary for successful performance of a skill are known as:
c) regulatory conditions.
Inter-trial response variability refers to:
b) whether the regulatory conditions remain fixed or change with each successive performance attempt.
Which of the following skills has low inter-trial variability
d) Shot put
According to Gentile’s multidimensional classification system, the simplest skill would be one whose:
a) environmental context is stationary, involves no inter-trial variability or body transport, and does not require object manipulation.
Which of the following is classified as a perceptual motor ability?
b) Response orientation
Which of the following is the ability to make continuous speed and direction adjustments with precision when tracking?
d) rate control
Which of the following abilities would NOT be needed to climb Mt. Everest?
c) Wrist finger speed
What is the process by which meaning is attached to input?
b) perception.
Reaction time is defined as:
c) the interval of time between the moment that a stimulus is presented and a response is initiated.
According to Hicks Law, a racquetball player has an advantage if he or she:
a) has a larger repertoire of serves.
Clues in the environment that if detected can assist a learner in anticipating
d) precues
Which of the following is the ability to attend to or focus on one specific item in the midst of countless stimuli?
b) selective attention.
An emotion resulting from an individual’s perception of a situation as threatening is known as
b) anxiety.
The natural level of arousal for one individual may be significantly higher than that of another individual.
The action possibilities of the environment and task in relation to the perceiver’s own capabilities are called:
d) Affordances
The process of constraining available degrees of freedom to organize a movement pattern that will effectively achieve the goal of the task is called
a) coordination.
The manipulation of variables within a movement pattern to meet the demands of a given situation is known as:
b) control.
A class of actions or pattern of movement that can be modified to yield various response outcomes is known as a:
c) generalized motor program
Which of the following is NOT considered an invariant feature?
b) Specification of muscles and or limbs
Which of the following is NOT considered a parameter?
d) Relative timing
The elements of the generalized motor program that enable a center fielder to throw to third base from different areas of the field are called:
b) parameters.
The relatively fixed underlying characteristics that define a generalized motor program are called:
a) invariant features.
Which of the following specifies the parameter values assigned to the generalized motor program?
b) Schema
Which of the following is not a source of information used to develop ones schema
Individual differences
_____________ is the generation of action plans that contain all of the information necessary to complete a response.
a) An open skill
A(n) _____________ is a rule or relationship that directs decision-making when a learner is faced with a movement problem.
c) schema
According to the Dynamic System Theory, compressing available degrees of freedom into a single functional unit that is designed to carry out a specific task is called:
d) self-organization
According to the dynamic system theory, ______________ are the boundaries that limit the movement capabilities of an individual.
a) constraints
A change in the state of stability of a system that causes a spontaneous reorganization into a new form is called a(n):
c) phase shift
Variables that move a system to a new attractor state are called:
b) phase shifts
Constraints that function to hinder or hold back the ability of a system to change are called
a) rate limiters
Strength could be considered as:
c) either a rate limiter or a control parameter, depending on the situation
A change in relative timing indicates a
Generalized motor program
If fear prevents a diver from improving on his or her performance on a particular dive then fear is acting as a:
d) rate limiter.
The sensory receptors located in the muscles, tendons, and internal ears are called:
c) proprioceptors
Which of the following detect stimuli outside of the body and provide information about the environment?
b) Exteroceptors
Stimuli regarding feelings such as hunger and nausea would be detected by:
a) interoceptors
Light sensitive cells located in the eyes that convert an image into a nerve impulse are called:
Which of the following provide information about body position and movement?
Which of the following is a photoreceptor that is specialized for dim light and enables us to see shapes and movement as well as discriminate between different shades of light and dark?
What is the primary receptor used in night vision?
Which photoreceptor is specialized for color vision?
Electrical signals generated by the photoreceptors are sent to the brain via the:
b) optic nerve
An individual whose dominant eye is opposite that of his or her dominant hand is considered
cross dominant
The rate at which a retinal image enlarges is directly related to the speed of an object’s approach and is indicative of
a) time to contact
Which of the following sends a signal to the CNS indicating how much and how fast a muscle’s length is changing?
c) Muscle spindles
Which of the following proprioceptors are found at the junction of the tendon and the muscle?
b) Golgi tendon organs
Information is taken from the receptors to the CNS by:
afferent nerves.
Which area of the brain is responsible for higher brain functions?
c) Cerebral cortex
The area of the brain that plays a key role in the maintenance of posture and balance is the
d) cerebellum.
Which of the following enables a performer to make, executes, and evaluates strategic and movement decisions?
Both A and B
Which visual pathway functions at a sub-conscious level?
d) Ambient system
Which visual pathway functions to identify objects primarily located in the central region of the visual field?
Focal system
The visual system that a mountain biker would use to identify changes in the trail or to perceive a rider in front of him or her is the:
c) focal system.
The __________ system serves both central and peripheral visual fields.
Ambient system