Motor Function Flashcards
Motor Skills
activities or tasks that require voluntary control over mvmts of jts and body segments to achieve goal
(appropriate movement)
Motor learning
-acquisition of motor skills, the performance enhancement of learned or highly experienced motor skills
-learning a skilled task and then practicing with a goal in mind until the skill is executed automatically
-Requires: practice, feedback, transfer of learning, generalizability, outcomes
Cognitive phase (motor learning)
mvmts are slow, inconsistent, and inefficient, and large parts of the mvmt are controlled consciously; thinking
Associative phase (motor learning)
movements become more fluid, reliable, and efficient, and some parts of the movement are controlled automatically
Autonomous phase (motor learning)
movements are accurate, consistent, and efficient, and movement is largely controlled automatically
Cognitive Stage (motor function training)
-thinking, trial and error, mistakes
-what to do
-Purpose and context of skills
-steps of the skill/plan
-learner’s style
-demonstration and return of demonstration
Associate stage (motor function training)
-continued practice results in refinement of motor program
-how to do task
-continued deliberate practice and feedback results in refinement of skill
-able to identify and correct errors
-skill variation: how we go from th mat to function
-reduction of dependence of therapist
Autonomous Stage(motor function training)
-much practice results in automaticity of movement
-how to succeed
-wide variation of skill performance
success measures
Motor Control
how our neuromuscular system functions to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill
*process of initiating, directing, and grading purposeful voluntary movement
Motor developmement
combination of motor learning and motor control and the development from infancy to old age.
-growth and maturation influence changes in motor behavior
Motor program
-a series of mini-routines organized into the correct sequence to perform a movement
-A stored representation, resulting from motor planning and refined through practice, that is used to produce a coordinated movement (Stored in LTM starting in utero)
Motor Plan (motor function)
Complex series of motor programs to execute a desired movement or series of movements, the steps and organization needed to execute that movement
Motor memory (motor function)
Recall of motor programs
-conditions, sensory input, parameters, outcome
Motor control & Motor learning
Prioritized through skills (actions), movements and neuromotor processes.
1. understand action goal and to explore strategies to achieve it
2. discover best movement to accomplish the action gial given the unique characteristics of learner and environment
3. Refine movement and make it more efficient by modifying neuromotor processes
Stability (motor function training)
must come first
Mobility on Stability (motor function training)
Distal mobility requires proximal stability
-mobility (dynamic stability)
Feedback (motor function training)
Knowledge of results
-Outcomes oriented
-quality of movement
Knowledge of performance
-quality oriented
Concurrent (in the motion) or terminal feedback (end of task)
Functional mobility skills (motor function training)
Bed mobility
-rolling, scooting in supine, bridging, supine to sit, sitting skills
-level and unlevel surfaces, standing skills
-ambulation, wheelchair, level and uneven, smooth and compliant surfaces
ADL and or IADL
-toilet, feed, bathe
Motor Function Training
Ultimate objective of any rehab program is to return the individual to a lifestyle that is close to the premorbid level of function as possible or, alternatively, to maximize the current potential for function and maintain it