Motor Control 1 Flashcards
Motor learning is a ____ component
Motor learning emphasizes
brains role in acquiring, planning, initiating, and modifying movement
Motor control is a ____ component
Motor control is the
interaction of the CNS, PNS, and musculoskeletal systems that execute movement and monitor/integrate sensory info
What are the underlying assumptions
- interaction of central or peripheral control mechanisms
- what variables determine the organization of control
What is coordination?
patterning of head/body/limbs relative to patterning of environment and objects
Degrees of freedom
describes the number of ways in which a given unit is capable of moving
- related to number of joints moving
- number of muscles activated
- ex. # of joints needed to pick up coffee
Usually are you limited to just one-to-one correspondence between a task and motor solution?
No, multiple ways to do most tasks
-use different trajectories, accelerations etc
How could you lose df’s
spinal fusion
Open loop (feed-forward) is what type of strategy?
Top-down control strategy
-downplays accessibility or need for feedback in initiation and execution of the movement
Close loop (feedback)
explains movement as oucome of feedback-initiated reflex actions and pre-patterned neural systems
what kind of skills are best for closed loop?
continuous tasks
What kind of skills are best for open loop?
-throwing darts you dont need feedback during the task you just need to know after so you can adjust
Open loop is more about feeding forward because….
you need to be able to know how to throw the dart before you throw it. ability to predict
With a novice or expert who is more open or closed?
novice needs more closed (more feedback)
expert needs more open (less feedback) (well established movement pattern)
Two level hierarchy
What is executive in the two level hierarchy?
command center generates action plan that contains all necessary info to complete motor response
What is effectors in the two level hierarchy?
muscles and limbs; carry out command without modification
What is the role of feedback in open-loop control?
- feedback constant but too late to adjust
- cant adjust on the fly
- feedback received can only be used to modify future attempts
Best environment for open-loop control
stable, predictable envrionment where need for modification is low
What type of movements are open loop short duration movements every day
speech; cant change once it comes out
Closed loop control system- command center
Command center needs only to generate action plan to initiate movement
Sensory feedback in closed loop is…
continually compared to desired movement
- constant
- discrepancies sent back to command center for correction
Which content is more full command?
open loop
Which content is more command to initiate with ability to adjust on the fly?
closed loop