Motivational/Aspirational Flashcards
Why should we chose you for this position?
What are your short and long term career goals?
Short-Term Career Goals:
- get a role as a real estate analsyt and really immerse myself in further developming my understanding of the industry and gain on the ground experience.
- iMPROVE FINANCIAL MODELLING SKILLS AND have experience with different asset classes
- begin to use argus in my work
lond term:
- get a eadership role within eastdil and drive stragtegy and direction rather than take directions
- certain level of intuitivness that ocmes with years of experience in a role and a deep understanding, that is something i would like to achieve
What would be your plan for progression within this organisation in your quest to achieve these goals?
Why Eastdil?
Why this position?
Why commercial real estate?
What will you be doing as an analyst and why is this interesting to you?
As an Analyst, I would assist in the underwriting of asset sales and debt placement across all property types.
Asset Sales Underwriting: In the context of real estate, underwriting asset sales involves the evaluation and analysis of the financial and operational aspects of a property that is being sold. This process helps determine the property’s value, potential risks, and expected returns. Underwriters assess factors such as current and historical income, expenses, market conditions, and future growth potential.
Debt Placement Underwriting: Underwriting debt placement involves the evaluation of a borrower’s creditworthiness and the associated risks when arranging financing for a real estate project. Underwriters analyze the financial health of the borrower, the project’s viability, and the terms of the proposed debt to ensure that it aligns with the lender’s risk tolerance and guidelines.
Why do you think you are a good fit for the company?
exceptional interpersonal and analytic skills
What kind of skills do you think are important for this role?
Tell me about yourself?
Why are you interested in joining our firm?
Why should we hire you out of all the other candidates?
What goals would you like to achieve at our firm in the near term (and long-term)
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
How would your peers describe you?
Tell me about a failure