Motivation Flashcards


Cybersecurity changes every hour. New vulnerabilities, new exploits, new cyberattacks, new malware, new threat actors. It doesn’t stop, and it never will. As technology develops, so will the online battlefield, and it’s a race between attackers and defenders to stay at the top. Because working in this field requires constant self-development and exposure to new technologies and information, you need to be dedicated, motivated, and driven. Constantly learning new things can be tiring, but if you have a real passion for cybersecurity then you’ll enjoy this ever-changing industry, and grow because of it.

It’s worth mentioning that being “motivated” doesn’t mean you run a blog and post something every day of the year. It doesn’t mean that you have no social life and spend every second outside of work doing research and developing your cyber skills. You’re human. It’s extremely important to have a work-life balance, making sure you have time for yourself, friends, and family. Doing this will help with mental well-being, which will have a positive impact on your work life.

You won’t be motivated all the time, and that’s ok. Having good self-discipline will allow you to stay focused and keep working efficiently even through stages where you feel tired or unmotivated. As long as you enjoy what you do, and like learning new things, you’ll enjoy working in this industry.

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