Motion of particles Flashcards
What is a cyclotron an example of?
A particle accelerator
If an object is travelling in a circle it is constantly changing direction, thus accelerating, what does this mean?
That there must be a resultant force acting on it
What are charged particles effected by?
A magnetic field
What does proton enrichment do?
Forms isotopes
What do these isotopes do?
Emit positrons
How are some radioisotopes produced?
Bombarding stable elements with protons
What happens to these protons?
They are absorbed by the nucleus, increasing the proton number and therefore making a new element
Where are positron emitters used?
In hospitals, (PET scanning)
Why is it important that radioisotopes used for PET scanning have a short half life?
So that patients exposure to radiation is minimised.
Fill in the gap:
Collisions can be _______ or ________
- Elastic
2. Inelastic
State the two things that are conserved in positron/electron annihilation
- Momentum
2. Mass energy
State one use of positron/electron annihilation
In PET scanning