Most Common QA Questions Flashcards
Tell me about yourself: Be confident. Please make pauses, don’t rush.
(with recruiter):
I work on web and mobile applications, testing mainly UI and Functionality,
Doing smoke and regression testing,
Using Jira, TestRail, Xcode and Android Studio
Testing different platforms and devices.
iOS, Android, Windows and Mac.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Tell me about yourself: (with hiring manager):
I work as QA at ______ for ______ months/years testing Mobile and Web applications.
My common responsibilities there are:
Make sure that everything works and looks good
Mainly focus on functional and UI testing
Make sure that requirements are implemented and reporting issues in Jira
Work with iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac
Create and maintain QA documentation
Create and execute test cases in TestRail
Use tools like Xcode, Android Studio, Chrome DevTools
Work closely with Development and Product Management
Well that‟s about it, please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Tell me about your company / project / job:
o Have a positive, polite, and friendly mindset
o Keep in mind that after finishing internship you will get that answer regarding your project
o First talk about the project and then about your responsibilities there
o Briefly explain the project and its objectives (what is the main purpose of this app, what kind
of service/s it offers, how this app can solve different problems if it does)
o Try to talk about the functionality of your application (not too long)
I am working on a web app which is developed for job search management. Employers post job offers, and candidates can apply to them. The testing scope implies two sides: the employer‟s side and the candidate‟s side. Our app supports different browsers, such as chrome, Firefox, edge and safari.
I mainly test functionality and UI, different platforms, windows, and mac, I create and execute test cases in TestRail, create bugs in Jira, verifying bug fixes. Testing personal accounts, categories, search and other filters, creating a job, analytics (charts and data export), applicant management, integration to other websites and apps, chatbots. Feel free to ask if you have any questions
How do you write a bug report?
I‟m going to Jira. Creating a new ticket.
Choosing the correct project, choosing the issue type which is a bug report.
Writing the Title
Description with steps to reproduce, actual and expected behavior,
Writing the Environment
the Priority,
Adding Attachments of the screenshots, videos or log files if needed.
Assigning to the right person
What do you do if the developer tells you that it’s not a bug (or as designed)?
I will double-check the requirements, if according to the requirements it‟s expected behavior -
I will close the bug and leave a comment,
BUT if it‟s not expected according to requirements - I will reopen the bug, assign it back to
the developer and leave a comment,
If the requirements are not clear or maybe missing, I will ask the product manager for
And will close or reopen the ticket based on his/her answer.
What do you do if developer tells you, it’s not reproducible (marks it as
“can’t reproduce”)?
I will try to reproduce on the reported device, will make sure that I‟m following the right steps,
using the right Environment, Device, Platform, Build.
I will try to reproduce on 1 or more other devices to make sure that it‟s not device-related.
If not reproducible - I will close the ticket and leave a comment.
If reproducible - I will reopen the ticket and assign it back to the developer with my comment.
How can a tester be sure that a bug has been fixed?
Try to reproduce it on the new build/version and verify that the bug is no longer reproducible.
How do you write test cases?
According to the requirements.
For every requirement, we need to create test cases.
Requirements could be broken down into flows and each flow then gets broken down
into individual pieces with detailed steps to perform the test.
Describe bug life cycle at your company
OPEN > In Development (or “In Dev”) > In QA > Closed/Done or Reopened
Once I create the bug, the status is OPEN, then I assign it to the developer
the status changes In Development (or “In Dev”)
Developer fixes the bug and assigns it to QA, we verify the bug fix on the new version, trying
to reproduce the issue - If it was fixed, we close the ticket and change status to Closed
leaving a comment that the issue is no longer reproducible on this device, platform and build.
If it is still reproducible, we reopen it and assign it back to development with a comment that
the issue is still reproducible on this device, platform and build.
The status changes to In Development (or “In Dev”) until it has been fixed and assigned to
QA, status changes to In QA until we close or reopen it.
If you need to complete 80 test cases in 5 days, but after the first day you
completed only 8 test cases, what will you do? What would you do if you see
that you can’t finish your tasks on time?
I will continue executing test cases; also I will raise a concern to the QA Manager that we
might need more time or effort/resources/people to finish this testing on time if I see that the
test cases are complicated or time-consuming.
How would you test an iPhone? (Or: Vending machine, pen, elevator,
remote control, toaster, could be anything) * understand the main idea
First, I will always ask for requirements because we create test cases based on the
If we don‟t get any requirements and we are told to test it without requirements (for the
interview purpose),
I will start from functional positive test cases:
I will verify that it turns the device on and off,
verify that I can call and receive calls / messages,
verify that I can increase and decrease the volume/sound,
verify that I can hear others and people can hear me,
verify that the battery consumption is according to the requirements, etc.
Will continue with Functional negative testing:
I will verify that the phone will not ring on silent mode,
verify that it doesn‟t switch vertical/horizontal modes on lock mode,
verify that you can‟t unlock a phone without a valid password / faceID / fingerprint, etc.
I will continue with UI testing of software and hardware. Making sure that it is made from the
right materials and it has the required design, warnings, brand name, etc.
that all looks good, without spelling/grammar/alignment/consistency issues
Well… that‟s the way I would do it.
Which ADB and UNIX commands did you use?
Adb devices, adb install, adb uninstall, adb logcat, adb reboot, adb push, adb pull
(UNIX commands) pwd, cd, ls (LS), touch, grep, mkdir, open
How did you install apps?
(For iOS) I used Xcode.
I was connecting the device with USB cable and opening Xcode, clicking Window, then
Devices, Choose the device and clicking the plus button and choosing the .ipa file.
(For Android) I install the app using the adb install.
Android: (you can use ADB or Android studio)
Command : adb install
Purpose: Helps to install an application that is under development to the device
(phone needs to be connected by USB)
Command : adb uninstall
Purpose: Helps to remove this app package from the device
How do you get log file on a mobile application?
Precondition: Connect the mobile device to your laptop/PC (with USB cable)
For iOS: Open Xcode > Window (in the header) > Devices > Choose your device (should
be connected)
> “view device logs”
> right-click the log - Import the relevant (based on time) log and attach to the bug ticket
For Android: Terminal/Command promp > adb logcat *> *
For example: adb logcat > c:/logs.txt (and attach to bug ticket)
Why do you want to leave your current job?
My project is about to end soon, and I am looking for a long-term opportunity.
Why did you choose to work in QA?
Because I love finding issues and contributing to creating a quality product, I also love to work
in IT because new technology has always been my passion and I love to work with smart
I also like to advocate for the customers and provide them with the best possible user