Most Common Gre Words Flashcards
Prosaic (adj)
A prosaic game of golio pooch
Dull, ordinary, unimaginative
Alacrity (n)
I Work with alacrity in the genetic lab.
Eager to do sth
Veracity (n), veracious (adj.)
The veracity that voracity kills you.
Veracity is the heart of morality
Truthfulness, honesty, accuracy
Maintain (v)
He maintained that the country was going downhill.
Assert, affirm, declare
A paucity of jobs hiring
Lack of sth
Contrite (adj)
A contrite sinner
Laconic (adj)
A laconic reply
Concise, brief, pithy, terse, succinct
Pugnacious (adj)
Pugnacious male birds build nests
Combative, belligerent, argumentative, bellicose, contentious
Disparate (adj)
Fields ad disparate as religion and biology
Separate, divergent, incommensurable
Egregious (adj)
Egregious misbehavior
Outrageous, notorious, atrocious, flagrant
Innocuous (adj)
An innocuous home remedy
Harmless, innocent, innoxious, banal
Candid (adj)
Provide candid feedback
Ingenuous, naive, honest, frank
Erratic (adj)
Stock market is erratic
An erratic person
- Unpredictable, whimsical
2. Strange, eccentric, aberrant, abnormal
Bleak (adj)
Bleak landscape
Bleak future
- bare, desolate (a treeless desolate landscape) , barren ( infertile)
- Depressing
Profuse (adj)
Profuse tropical vegetation
Abundant, ample, opulant
Extant (adj)
Only three extant copies of the doc
In existence
Contentious (adj)
Football’s fan are always contentious
Disputatious, belligerent
Auspicious (adj)
New anti cancer drug, the science is looking auspicious.
Favorable, propitious
Enervate (v)
Emotionally dark atmosphere enervate the reader.
Debilitate, enfeeble, sap,
innervate, invigorate, energize
Equivocate (v)
For once don’t equivocate.
Eschew, evade, falsify, prevaricate, use ambiguous language to avoid honesty,
Ambivalent (adj)
They were ambivalent about moving to suburbs.
Conflicting, debatable, mixed,
Sedulous (adj)
She received promotion not for her seducing looks but for her sedulous work.
Assiduous, diligent, industrious
Stem (v)
Stem the tide/ the blood flow
Halt, stanch, staunch
Blinkered (adj)
Gambler easily blinkered by past successes or failures.
Narrow-minded, subjective,
Check (v)
A high wall to check the tide.
Weeds grow unchecked in the front yard.
Arrest the motion, to restrain, control, cause reduction, diminish
Checkered (adj)
Checkered past/ life
Varied, patterned, motley, variegated, suspect in quality,
Raft (n )
A raft of rafts.
A lot, a great quantity
Involved (adj)
The physics lecture became so involved…
Complicated, knotty, intricate, tangled
Retiring (adj)
Though he is a retiring person, he is diplomatic about his retirement.
Shy, bashful, coy, reticent
Expansive (adj)
Wine made the guest expansive
Sociable, extroverted, outgoing
Moment (n)
Virtue is of more moment than security.
Significance, having important effects, consequence
Base (adj)
Hastily composed of base materials.
Debased, counterfeit, worthless
Imbibe (v)
He imbibed green tea.
Imbibe ethical principle.
Drink, absorb, to take in mind as knowledge or idea
Inundate (v)
The newsroom was inundated by false reports…
Overwhelmed by too many people or things, deluge, flood,
Scintillating (adj)
Scintillating mind of stars and scientists.
Sparkle, brilliant, effervescent,
Benighted (adj)
This benighted country.
Benighted ages of superstition
Lacking enlightenment, backward, uncultivated,
Galvanize (v)
Galvanized into action
Inspire, animate, invigorate,
Hedge (v/n)
When u say maybe u r just hedging
Equivocating, ambiguous statements, confine, hinder,
Flush (adj)
GRE is flush with difficult words.
Turn red, abundance, sudden rise of emotion,
Fell (adj)
A fell person who cuts down trees
1.Cut down, 2.fierce, cruel, 3.destructive, deadly 4. The skin or hide of an animal
Arch of the foot
An arch smile
Curve, mischievous, cunning, chief, main
Beg (v)
A statement that begs the very point we re disputing.
Beg the question.
Avoid answering, take for granted without justification.
Tender (v)
To tender one’s resignation
To present formally, to offer,
Intimate (adj. v)
Teacher intimated to his parents that he wasn’t suited to skip a grade.
Hint, imply, suggest sth subtly
Wanting (adj.)
U’v been found wanting
A century wanting three years
Not meeting requirements, Lacking,