Mosby's Exam Review Chapter 1 - Drug Classification Abbreviations Flashcards
What is the meaning of the acronym “ACE”
Angiotension- converting enzymes
What is the mean of the acronym “BB”
Beta Blocker
What is the meaning of the acronym “CCB”
Calcium Channel Blocker
What is the mean of the acronym “ARB”
Angiotensin II receptor blocker
What is the mean of the acronym “SSRI”
Selective Serotoin reuptake inhibitor
What is the mean of the acronym “SNRI”
Selective nonrepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
What is the meaning of the acronym “TCA”
Tricyclic antidepressant
What is the meaning of the acronym “MAOI”
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
What is the meaning of the acronym “DDP” -4 inhibitors
dipeptidly peptidase
What is the meaning of the acronym “GLP” -1 agonist
glucagon-like peptide
What is the meaning of the acronym “SGLT” -2inhibitors
sodium- glucose cotransporter
What is the meaning of the acronym “PPI”
Proton pump inhibitor
What is the meaning of the acronym “NSAID”
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
What is the meaning of the acronym “COX” -2inhibitors
What is the meaning of the acronym “DMARDs”
disease- modifying antitheumatic drug