Mosaic Covenant Flashcards
What were the Israelites given?
They were allowed to go to the Promised Land, they were promised safety and were given salvation.
What did the Israelites do in exchange?
They had to give up their sinful and unlawful ways and follow God.
Why did the covenant happen in the first place?
Because the Israelites were slaves to Ramses II due to the high number of Israelite people.
How did Exodus come to be?
After Moses killed an Egyptian for hurting a slave, he left for Midian. When he was 80, God came to him in the burning bush and asked him to free the Israelites. When the Pharaoh refused, the 10 plagues were set down.
What happened after the Passover?
He stretched out his hand and parted the Sea of Reeds so that the Israelites could pass through.
Where did Moses go for a detour and what did he do?
Midway through the desert, they took a detour at Mount Sinai and Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.
Why did Moses die?
Moses died because he didn’t follow God’s way and decided to take a shortcut but when he was dying, he made sure to tell the Hebrews to follow God all the way.