More O&G SBAs Flashcards
A 23 year old multip is found to have a positive pregnancy test. This is a surprise as she has been using the copper coil for contraception. On examination the strings cannot be seen. The next best step in her management is to;
- Use a coil retriever to find the coil
- Organise an ultrasound scan
- Perform a laparoscopy to make sure the coil is not in the abdominal cavity
- Advise a termination of pregnancy because copper coils can lead to congenital anomaly.
- Perform a hysteroscopy to identify where the coil is
Organise an ultrasound scan
A 14 year old girl who is a virgin has irregular and occasionally heavy menses. She attends your outpatients with her mother they are both very concerned. What is the next best step in her management:
- Reassure and perhaps organise an ultrasound
- Perform a speculum examination and take swabs because an STD can cause abnormal menstrual loss
- Start her on an anxiolytic to help her deal with her anxiety
- Insert the Mirena coil
- Perform a smear to exclude cervical disease
Reassure and perhaps organise an ultrasound
A nulliparous woman presents to her antenatal appointment at 32 weeks in your general practice. She is asymptomatic and has a blood pressure of 148/ 90 there is no proteinurea, her baby is well grown and her booking blood pressure was 102/62. What should you do next?
- Organise a further review of her blood pressure within the week.
- Call the hospital and organise her admission
- Start a 24 hour urine collection
- Tell her to return on her 36 week appointment
- Give her steroids to help mature the babies lungs
Organise a further review of her blood pressure within the week.
A patient in the antenatal clinic is found to have a baby which is a breech presentation. She is 29 weeks gestation. The next best step is to:
- Ask her to sleep on her left side
- Admit her to hospital in case she goes into preterm labour and has a cord prolapse
- Arrange a review of the presentation at 36 weeks
- Organise her delivery by Caesarean section
- Arrange an ECV
Arrange a review of the presentation at 36 weeks
A couple present in their mid thirties with a history of primary infertility. They have regular intercourse and are both fit and well. What is the most important factor in the woman’s past medical history that is associated with infertility:
- She has a retroverted womb
- She has had two abortions one at 12 and one at 14 weeks
- She has a pedunculated fibroid
- She has a history of a chlamydial infection
- She has a smear showing moderate dyskariosis.
She has a history of a chlamydial infection
A 32 year old woman is having a VBAC. She is 8 cm dilated, what feature would make worry that there was dehiscence of the uterine scar:
- On abdominal examination the fetal head is still 2/5 palpable
- Bloodstained liquor
- A CTG showing persistent decelerations
- The mother requesting an epidural
- Painful contractions
A CTG showing persistent decelerations
Which one of the following is the most likely cause of death of a woman during her reproductive years, in the UK.
- Suicide
- Murder
- Pregnancy
- Smoking
- Contraception
A 22 year old nulliparous woman presents to A and E with a 2 week history of right sided abdominal pain which has progressively worsened. Over the last 24 hours she has had light vaginal bleeding. She has a past history of Chlamydia. She uses condoms for contraception but admits to having unprotected sex with her boyfriend on occasions. She does not know the date of her last menstrual period. On examination, her pulse rate is 104 beats per minute, blood pressure 74/50 and her abdomen is diffusely tender with rebound and guarding in the right iliac fossa. Vaginal examination reveals tenderness in the right adnexa. A full blood count and group and save has been requested and intravenous access established. The most important next step in her management is to:
- Perform a pregnancy test
- Arrange for a pelvic ultrasound scan
- Arrange for transfer to the operating theatre immediately
- Send an urgent swab for Chlamydia
- Arrange for a surgical review
Perform a pregnancy test
A 53 year old lady presents with a 3 week history of postmenopausal bleeding. Which of the following is NOT associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer
- Nulliparity
- A history of atypical endometrial hyperplasia
- A history of oral contraceptive use
- Diabetes
- Obesity
A history of oral contraceptive use
A 32 year old black African woman requests the combined oral contraceptive pill. She has sickle cell trait but is currently in good health. She had a DVT in pregnancy 2 years ago. Her mother suffered a stroke at 59, and died of ovarian cancer the following year. Her father has hyperlipidaemia.
- Sickle cell trait
- History of DVT
- Cerebrovascular vascular accident in a first degree relative
- Family history of hyperlipidaemia
- Family history of ovarian cancer
Family history of hyperlipidaemia
A 33 year old nulliparous lady has a cervical smear performed in accordance with the NHS Cervical Screening Programme and it is reported as inadequate. Her previous cervical smears have always been normal and she has no gynaecological complaints. She uses the combined oral contraceptive pill
- She should be referred for colposcopy where she should be seen within 8 weeks
- The smear should be repeated and she should be referred for colposcopy if 2 consecutive smears are reported as inadequate
- She should be referred for colposcopy where she should be seen within 2 weeks
- The smear should be repeated and she should be referred for colposcopy if 3 consecutive smears are reported as inadequate
- She should be advised to discontinue the combined oral contraceptive pill and have the smear repeated in 4 weeks time
The smear should be repeated and she should be referred for colposcopy if 2 consecutive smears are reported as inadequate
A 22 year old nulliparous woman complains of longstanding irregular painful periods. Her periods are not particularly heavy. She has a regular sexual partner and uses condoms for contraception. She has no significant past medical or family history and is a non-smoker. Vaginal examination is normal and you take swabs to exclude genital infection. You recommend
- Prescription of the combined oral contraceptive pill without further investigations
- Outpatient endometrial biopsy
- Prescription of the combined oral contraceptive pill provided endometrial biopsy is normal
- Outpatient hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy
Prescription of the combined oral contraceptive pill without further investigations
A 27 year old primagravida attends the Early Pregnancy Unit after slight vaginal bleeding following 9 weeks amenorrhoea. Transvaginal ultrasound shows an intrauterine pregnancy with a 10 mm fetus but no fetal heart pulsations. Which of the following is NOT appropriate management for this patient:
- She has the option of surgical evacuation as a planned day-case procedure
- She has the option of expectant management
- She has the option of medical therapy with misoprostol followed by dinoprostone
- It should be sensitively explained to the patient that the scan shows she has miscarried
- She has the option of alternate day beta HCG monitoring with repeat pelvic ultrasound in one week
She has the option of alternate day beta HCG monitoring with repeat pelvic ultrasound in one week
A 40 year old lady who is 38 weeks pregnant is due to have a planned Caesarean section the following week because her baby is breech. She requests sterilisation by tubal occlusion at the time of the Caesarean. She already has 3 children and is certain that her family will be complete once this baby is born. She has no significant past medical or gynaecological history. Which of the following is NOT true?
- The failure rate of vasectomy is lower than that of tubal occlusion
- The failure rate of tubal occlusion is lower if performed at Caesarean section
- If tubal occlusion is to be performed at the time of Caesarean section, counselling and consent should have been given at least one week prior to the procedure
- The failure rate of the intrauterine system (IUS) is at least as low as that of tubal occlusion
- The woman is more likely to regret her decision to be sterilised if performed at Caesarean section
The failure rate of tubal occlusion is lower if performed at Caesarean section
A 24 year old nulliparous woman complains of hot flushes and irritability. She had radiotherapy and chemotherapy for Hodgkins Disease 2 years previously. She reports that her menses were regular during chemotherapy, but then became irregular and stopped 3 months ago. Serum beta HCG is negative. The most important next step in her management is to
- Reassure the patient and see her for follow-up in 6 months time
- Prescribe a hormone replacement therapy regimen containing both oestrogen and progestogen
- Arrange for serum FSH level
- Arrange for serum oestradiol level
- Arrange for a pelvic ultrasound
Arrange for serum FSH level
A 24 year old primagravida has HIV antibody testing as part of her antenatal booking investigations at 15 weeks gestation. The test is positive. Which of the following statements regarding mother to child transmission of HIV is NOT true
- All neonates born to HIV-infected women should be given antiretroviral therapy to reduce the risk of transmission
- Exclusive formula feeding reduces transmission by half
- Transmission most commonly occurs at the time of delivery
- Without intervention transmission occurs in approximately 60% of cases
- All women, irrespective of their plasma viral load, should be advised to take antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of transmission
Without intervention transmission occurs in approximately 60% of cases
A 42 year old nulliparous woman presents with lower abdominal pain, fever and vaginal discharge. Pregnancy test is negative. Your clinical assessment suggests that the likely diagnosis is acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Indication for hospital admission for patients with PID include all of the following EXCEPT:
- Pregnancy
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Age > 40
- HIV infection
Age > 40
- The number of weeks at which induction should be considered if maternal diabetic control has not been optimal.
A. 38 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 E. 7 F. 8 G. 40 H. 6 I. 34 J. 36
Correct A. 38
- For tight control a woman’s % HbA1c should be below this number.
A. 38 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 E. 7 F. 8 G. 40 H. 6 I. 34 J. 36
Correct E. 7
- A 21 year old woman presents to the accident and emergency department with a history of fainting while waiting for the bus. She has had left iliac fossa pain for the last two days, which has been constant in nature. In the last twelve hours the patient mentions that she also has right shoulder tip pain. She has had some brown vaginal discharge. Her last menstrual period was 8 weeks ago. She has been trying to get pregnant for a few months and had a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks ago at home. She has had Chlamydia in the past which was treated with doxycycline.
A. Inevitable miscarriage B. Heterotopic pregnancy C. Ectopic pregnancy D. Ovarian torsion E. Delayed miscarriage F. Appendicitis G. Pelvic inflammatory disease H. Haemorrhagic corpus luteum I. Complete miscarriage J. Threatened miscarriage
Correct C. Ectopic pregnancy
- Type of diabetes which is becoming more prevalent in the UK as the childbearing population changes.
A. 38 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 E. 7 F. 8 G. 40 H. 6 I. 34 J. 36
Correct D. 2
- Pre-delivery steroids need to be given if possible when delivering before this number of weeks to avoid neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
A. 38 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 E. 7 F. 8 G. 40 H. 6 I. 34 J. 36
Correct I. 34
5. For the mini GTT blood needs to be taken for glucose measurement this many hours after Lucozade dosing. A. 38 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 E. 7 F. 8 G. 40 H. 6 I. 34 J. 36
B. 1
- A diabetic woman comes to her GP as she has just found out she is pregnant. Her GP advices that she must discontinue the medication she is currently taking for her high blood pressure.
A. 5% B. Ca 2+ channel blocker C. 3 & 4 D. 8 mmol/l E. 5.5 mmol/l F. 0.4mg G. ACE H. 5 & 6 I. 5mg J. 7%
- A woman who developed gestational diabetes in her pregnancy has just given birth. It was complicated and the baby has been damaged, which cervical nerves are likely to have been damaged.
A. 5% B. Ca 2+ channel blocker C. 3 & 4 D. 8 mmol/l E. 5.5 mmol/l F. 0.4mg G. ACE H. 5 & 6 I. 5mg J. 7%
H. 5 & 6
- A 30 year old woman with type 1 diabetes goes to see her diabetic nurse as she is hoping to get pregnant. What dose of folic acid should the nurse advise her to take?
A. 5% B. Ca 2+ channel blocker C. 3 & 4 D. 8 mmol/l E. 5.5 mmol/l F. 0.4mg G. ACE H. 5 & 6 I. 5mg J. 7%
I. 5mg
- A diabetic woman’s glycosylated haemoglobin should ideally be less than what in pregnancy.
A. 5% B. Ca 2+ channel blocker C. 3 & 4 D. 8 mmol/l E. 5.5 mmol/l F. 0.4mg G. ACE H. 5 & 6 I. 5mg J. 7%
Correct J. 7%
- A type 1 diabetic woman measures her blood glucose 1 hour after she has eaten lunch. She is hoping that her blood glucose should be less than what value.
A. 5% B. Ca 2+ channel blocker C. 3 & 4 D. 8 mmol/l E. 5.5 mmol/l F. 0.4mg G. ACE H. 5 & 6 I. 5mg J. 7%
Correct D. 8 mmol/l
- A 28 year old woman presents to the GP surgery with her baby, who is three weeks old. The delivery was by emergency caesarean section for failure to progress in labour. She was discharged on day three after the delivery. She had minimal bleeding for the first two weeks, but over the last few days, bleeding has increased. She is now passing clots vaginally and is feeling unwell. On palpation, the abdomen is tender suprapubically. Her temperature is 38ºC.
A. Deep venous thromboembolism B. Endometritis C. Incisional hernia D. Urinary tract infection E. Urinary retention F. Retained products of conception G. Wound haematoma H. Wound infection I. Atelectasis J. Pulmonary embolism
Correct B. Endometritis
- A 29 year old woman at 35 weeks in her first on-going pregnancy presents to the labour ward with a history of bright red vaginal bleeding following intercourse. The bleeding was several hours ago and has settled spontaneously. Her ultrasound scan at 20 weeks showed that the placenta is located at the fundus.
A. Increase syntocinon infusion B. Perform caesarean section C. Perform fetal blood sample D. Cardiotocograph E. Start syntocinon infusion F. Speculum examination G. Continue CTG and review later H. Admit to antenatal ward for observation I. Complete partogram
Correct F. Speculum examination
- You are asked to see a 32 year old woman in the antenatal clinic after her routine dating scan. She is in her first pregnancy and her last menstrual period was 12 weeks ago. She felt very sick when she first got pregnant but more recently these symptoms have subsided. The ultrasonographer shows you the scan report which documents an intrauterine gestation sac measuring 30mm in diameter. A small fetal pole is seen measuring 10mm but no fetal heart was present. The patient does not report any vaginal bleeding.
A. Inevitable miscarriage B. Heterotopic pregnancy C. Ectopic pregnancy D. Ovarian torsion E. Delayed miscarriage F. Appendicitis G. Pelvic inflammatory disease H. Haemorrhagic corpus luteum I. Complete miscarriage J. Threatened miscarriage
Correct E. Delayed miscarriage
- You are seeing a 36 year old woman for a follow up appointment in the gynaecology clinic with a history of heavy, frequent periods for the last 12 months. Your colleague who saw her previously arranged an ultrasound scan, which showed a normal uterus, tubes and ovaries. You also note that her LH and FSH levels are normal, as are her thyroid function tests.
A. Endometrial carcinoma B. Uterine fibroids C. Polycystic ovarian syndrome D. Atrophic vaginitis E. Endometrial polyp F. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding G. Fallopian tube carcinoma H. Chlamydia trachomatis I. Imperforate hymen J. Cervical carcinoma
Correct F. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- A 66 year old woman is referred by her GP to the gynaecology clinic with a history vaginal bleeding like a period on three separate occasions in the last 4 months. The bleeding has been painless, and her last period was aged 56 years old. She has a BMI of 35kg/m2 and has no children. An ultrasound scan organised by the GP shows an endometrial thickness of 11mm.
A. Pipelle biopsy B. Pelvic ultrasound scan C. Hysteroscopy D. CA12-5 test E. Repeat smear test F. Abdominal CT scan G. Thyroid function tests H. Colposcopy I. Abdominal X Ray J. Swab for Chlamydia trachomatis
Correct A. Pipelle biopsy
- A 40 year old woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic by the GP with intermenstrual bleeding for 3 months. The GP has organised an ultrasound scan – the report describes a 10 mm intra-uterine polyp.
A. Pipelle biopsy B. Pelvic ultrasound scan C. Hysteroscopy D. CA12-5 test E. Repeat smear test F. Abdominal CT scan G. Thyroid function tests H. Colposcopy I. Abdominal X Ray J. Swab for Chlamydia trachomatis
Correct C. Hysteroscopy
- You are asked to see a 24 year old woman at 34 weeks’ gestation in her second on-going pregnancy. She has presented to the labour ward complaining of reduced fetal movements for the past 24 hours and is very anxious about this. The symphysio-fundal height is 35 cm.
A. Kleihauer test B. Chest X Ray C. Abdominal ultrasound for fetal growth D. HIV ELISA assay E. Fetal blood sample F. Echocardiogram G. Glucose tolerance test H. Ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan I. Bile acid level J. Cardiotocograph
Correct J. Cardiotocograph
- A 27 year old woman is sent to the maternity day assessment unit by her GP with a history of painless vaginal bleeding which has settled spontaneously. She is 28 weeks pregnant and the pregnancy has previously been uneventful. On examination, there is no active bleeding and her abdomen is soft and non-tender.
A. Kleihauer test B. Chest X Ray C. Abdominal ultrasound for fetal growth D. HIV ELISA assay E. Fetal blood sample F. Echocardiogram G. Glucose tolerance test H. Ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan I. Bile acid level J. Cardiotocograph
Correct A. Kleihauer test
- A 27 year old woman attends the early pregnancy unit with a history of heavy vaginal bleeding with blood clots and cramping pains which lasted for 12 hours and settled spontaneously. Last menstrual period was 6 weeks previously and her cycle is normally four weeks long. She had a positive urinary pregnancy test 1 week ago at home. On examination the cervix is closed. Transvaginal ultrasound shows no intrauterine sac and an endometrial thickness of 8mm.
A. Inevitable miscarriage B. Heterotopic pregnancy C. Ectopic pregnancy D. Ovarian torsion E. Delayed miscarriage F. Appendicitis G. Pelvic inflammatory disease H. Haemorrhagic corpus luteum I. Complete miscarriage J. Threatened miscarriage
Correct I. Complete miscarriage
- A 65 year old woman is referred by her GP to the gynaecology clinic with a history vaginal bleeding like a period on three separate occasions in the last 4 months. The bleeding has been painless, and her last period was aged 56 years old. She has a BMI of 35kg/m2 and has no children. An ultrasound scan organised by the GP shows an endometrial thickness of 11mm.
A. Endometrial carcinoma B. Uterine fibroids C. Polycystic ovarian syndrome D. Atrophic vaginitis E. Endometrial polyp F. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding G. Fallopian tube carcinoma H. Chlamydia trachomatis I. Imperforate hymen J. Cervical carcinoma
Correct A. Endometrial carcinoma
- A 40 year old woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic with a history of irregular vaginal bleeding for 6 months. There is no pattern to the bleeding. She did not attend for her last smear but she informs you that she has attended for colposcopy a few years ago, though she cannot remember why. She has a history of genital warts which were treated a few years ago. Abdominal examination is unremarkable. Speculum examination reveals an irregular lesion on the cervix, which is 3cm in diameter and bleeds on contact.
A. Endometrial carcinoma B. Uterine fibroids C. Polycystic ovarian syndrome D. Atrophic vaginitis E. Endometrial polyp F. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding G. Fallopian tube carcinoma H. Chlamydia trachomatis I. Imperforate hymen J. Cervical carcinoma
Correct J. Cervical carcinoma
- A 41 year old Afro-Caribbean woman attends her GP with a history of increasingly heavy periods over the last couple of years. They now last 8 days, with flooding through her pads, such that she has to use ‘double protection.’ She notes blood clots in the bleeding. She also reports that her ‘tummy feels swollen’. Abdominal examination is remarkable for a large, firm, non-tender mass arising from the pelvis and reaching the umbilicus.
A. Endometrial carcinoma B. Uterine fibroids C. Polycystic ovarian syndrome D. Atrophic vaginitis E. Endometrial polyp F. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding G. Fallopian tube carcinoma H. Chlamydia trachomatis I. Imperforate hymen J. Cervical carcinoma
Correct B. Uterine fibroids
- A 30 year old woman attends the GP surgery saying she has received a letter saying that her last routine smear (which was 3 months ago) showed moderate dyskaryosis. She has also noticed some intermenstrual bleeding since that smear. She is requesting advice about what should be done next.
A. Pipelle biopsy B. Pelvic ultrasound scan C. Hysteroscopy D. CA12-5 test E. Repeat smear test F. Abdominal CT scan G. Thyroid function tests H. Colposcopy I. Abdominal X Ray J. Swab for Chlamydia trachomatis
Correct H. Colposcopy
- An 18 year old woman presents to the accident and emergency (A&E) department with right sided abdominal pain. Her last menstrual period was ten weeks ago. She has a regular sexual partner but is not using any contraception. A trans-abdominal ultrasound in A&E shows an intra-uterine sac and a fetus with a heart beat present. The crown rump length is 20mm. On examination she has right iliac fossa pain, rebound tenderness and guarding. Her temperature is 38C and white blood cell count is 18.5 with a predominant neutrophilia.
A. Inevitable miscarriage B. Heterotopic pregnancy C. Ectopic pregnancy D. Ovarian torsion E. Delayed miscarriage F. Appendicitis G. Pelvic inflammatory disease H. Haemorrhagic corpus luteum I. Complete miscarriage J. Threatened miscarriage
Correct F. Appendicitis
- A 19 year old woman presents to the GP surgery complaining of post-coital bleeding for 3 months. She is sexually active and uses the combined oral contraceptive pill. She has had 3 sexual partners in the last three months. She does not complain of any vaginal discharge. On speculum examination, a cervical ectropion is seen.
A. Pipelle biopsy B. Pelvic ultrasound scan C. Hysteroscopy D. CA12-5 test E. Repeat smear test F. Abdominal CT scan G. Thyroid function tests H. Colposcopy I. Abdominal X Ray J. Swab for Chlamydia trachomatis
Correct J. Swab for Chlamydia trachomatis
- A 33 year old woman attends the GP surgery complaining that her periods are irregular. On further questioning, she states that her cycle ranges from 30 to 36 days with her periods lasting anything from 3 up to 7 days. In passing she mentions that she had a smear at the family planning clinic 3 months ago and the result was ‘insufficient’.
A. Pipelle biopsy B. Pelvic ultrasound scan C. Hysteroscopy D. CA12-5 test E. Repeat smear test F. Abdominal CT scan G. Thyroid function tests H. Colposcopy I. Abdominal X Ray J. Swab for Chlamydia trachomatis
Correct E. Repeat smear test
- A 28 year old woman presents to the GP surgery with a history of painless PV bleeding, similar in amount to her normal period. Her last period was 7 weeks ago. A urinary hCG test is positive. On examination, the abdomen is soft and non-tender. Speculum examination reveals a closed cervix with a small amount of fresh bleeding at the external cervical os.
A. Inevitable miscarriage B. Heterotopic pregnancy C. Ectopic pregnancy D. Ovarian torsion E. Delayed miscarriage F. Appendicitis G. Pelvic inflammatory disease H. Haemorrhagic corpus luteum I. Complete miscarriage J. Threatened miscarriage
Correct J. Threatened miscarriage
- A 35 year old woman in her first pregnancy presents to the maternity day assessment unit. She is 32 weeks pregnant and complains of itching for the last few days, especially on the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet. She has no visible rash and her sclerae are not icteric.
A. Kleihauer test B. Chest X Ray C. Abdominal ultrasound for fetal growth D. HIV ELISA assay E. Fetal blood sample F. Echocardiogram G. Glucose tolerance test H. Ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan I. Bile acid level J. Cardiotocograph
Correct I. Bile acid level
- A 27 year old woman is in spontaneous labour. She is progressing well and you are informed that she was 9cm dilated at the last vaginal assessment. There have been persistent late decelerations on the cardiotocograph with reduced baseline variability.
A. Kleihauer test B. Chest X Ray C. Abdominal ultrasound for fetal growth D. HIV ELISA assay E. Fetal blood sample F. Echocardiogram G. Glucose tolerance test H. Ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan I. Bile acid level J. Cardiotocograph
Correct E. Fetal blood sample
- A 20 year old woman presents for a routine 28 week appointment to the antenatal clinic. She mentions that she has had episodes where she ‘feels her heart racing’ and this has made her feel dizzy twice. This has never happened before pregnancy. On auscultation there is a grade 2 ejection systolic murmur.
A. Kleihauer test B. Chest X Ray C. Abdominal ultrasound for fetal growth D. HIV ELISA assay E. Fetal blood sample F. Echocardiogram G. Glucose tolerance test H. Ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan I. Bile acid level J. Cardiotocograph
Correct F. Echocardiogram
- You are asked to see a 25 year old woman who is complaining of sudden onset of shortness of breath and chest pain 24 hours after an emergency caesarean section. The midwife informs you that the oxygen saturation probe is showing a reading of 91% on room air. On examination the respiratory rate is 25/min and the pulse is 110/min.
A. Deep venous thromboembolism B. Endometritis C. Incisional hernia D. Urinary tract infection E. Urinary retention F. Retained products of conception G. Wound haematoma H. Wound infection I. Atelectasis J. Pulmonary embolism
Correct J. Pulmonary embolism
- A 30 year old diabetic woman presents to the accident and emergency department 5 weeks after an emergency caesarean section for fetal distress in labour. She is complaining of a ‘lump’ in her abdomen. She now has three children, all delivered by caesarean section. Her BMI is 36 kg/m2. On examination, there is a non tender lump under the right hand portion of the caesarean scar. The lump is more prominent when she stands up and a cough impulse can be felt.
A. Deep venous thromboembolism B. Endometritis C. Incisional hernia D. Urinary tract infection E. Urinary retention F. Retained products of conception G. Wound haematoma H. Wound infection I. Atelectasis J. Pulmonary embolism
Correct C. Incisional hernia