More Jaime Words 2 Flashcards
The eve, day before
La víspera
New Year’s Eve
La víspera del año nuevo
To consist of (to be composed of)
To lie in, consist in, involve, entail (to be based on)
Consistir en
To inquire into, investigate, make inquiries
The bell
The chime of a bell, the peal of a bell, the stroke of a clock (sound)
The stir, sensation (colloquial) (scandal)
La campana
La campanada
To challenge, dare (to invite to participate) To defy (to confront)
The challenge
El desafio
The herb thyme
El tomillo
The bay leaf
The bay laurel
La hoya de laurel
El laurel
The ignorance (lack of education) (lack of information)
La ignorancia
The requirement, requisite
El requisto
The bacon, fat, pork fat (culinary)
El tocino
The press, newspapers, papers (printed publications)
The free press
La prensa
La prensa libre
The classroom, class
La aula
The blackboard, chalkboard, board, whiteboard (writing surface)
La pizara
To heat again, reheat (to heat again) To overheat (to heat too much)
To overheat (to get too hot)
To take, grab, get, pick up, hold (to take hold of) To pick (to select) To get (to understand) To take (with directions) To catch (to get sick with) To get into (to form a habit) To take transportation (to take transportation) To borrow (to own temporarily) To pick (to gather) To fuck (vulgar) (to have sex) (Latin America)