More f@$%# liver. Flashcards
What causes HELP syndrome?
A rare complication of eclampsia in preganancy
Elevated liver enzymes
What is acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Disorder that occurs in preganancy>
ACUTE onset of LIVER DYSFXN (severe> acute hepatic failure/death)
What is seen on a liver biopsy of a pt with acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
microvesicular steatosis
What is intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy?
Estrogenic hormones and biliary secretory defects>
mild increase in serum conjugated bilirubin>
slightly increased risk of:
fetal distress
still births
What 3 liver abnormalities can occur in pts receiving a bone marrow transplant?
- Drug toxicity
- sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
- graft vs host disease (portal inflammation> vanishing bile ducts w/ fibrosis and cirrhosis)
What type of liver abnormalities can occur in pts receiving a liver transplant?
- Preservation injury (oxygen radicals in hypoxic organ> damage sinusoid)
- anastomatic problems
- Rejection (acute or chronic)
What is the MC benign neoplasm of the liver?
What is a lesion of DISCRETE RED BLUE HEMORRHAGIC NODULES composed of DILATED endothelial lined BLOOD FILLED channels that is often accidentially found?
What is a simple liver cyst?
Single/small cluster of cysts
composed of atrophic BILIARYepithelium
What is polycystic liver disease?
multiple cysts assocaited w/ polycystic kidney disease
What is a choledochal cyst?
CONGENITAL dilation of the common BILE DUCT
What complications are associated w/ choledochal cysts?
Dilated common bile duct>
- biliary obstruction
- stones
- bile duct carcinoma
What is Caroli’s disease?
congenital disorder>
intrahepatic biliary dilations>
1. congenital hepatic fibrosis
2. increases risk of cholangiocarcinoma
What is congenital hepatic fibrosis?
non cirrhotic fibrotic liver disease of children
Assoc w/ PCKD
Increases risk of cholangiocarcinoma
What is focal nodular hyperplasia?
Localized vascular occlusive event>
Proliferation of liver parenchyma (CV, hepatocytes, portal triads)>
NOT malignant
What is nodular regenerative hyperplasia?
diffuse NONfibrosing hyperplasia of the liver
*pts are usually assumptomatic
What may be seen on angiography of focal nodular hyperplasia?
Peripheral filling pattern w/ central scar
What is a key complication of nodular regenerative hyperplasia?
Often assocaited w/ conditions that affect intrahepatic blood flow:
- solid organ transplant
- bone marrow transplant
- vasculitis
A young adult is asymptomatic but pathology of the liver reveals a mass w/ CENTRAL FIBROUS scar and STELLATE configuration.
Focal nodular hyperplasia
What is hepatocellular adenoma?
well circumscribed BENIGN neoplasm composed of well differentiated hepatocytes>
hemorrhagic necrosis>
massive bleed
What population commonly gets hepatocellular adenomas?
Young reproductive age women
Assoc: OCP w/ high estrogen and anabolic steroids
What is the difference between a bile duct hamartoma and a bile duct adenoma?
hamartoma- MULTIPLE small white nodules
adenoma- SOLITARY, benign proliferation of bile ducts
Describe a CT image finding of a malignancy metastatic to the liver.
Multiple hepatic metasteses
solitary liver mass
How are metastatic tumors diagnosed?
Usually multiple tumors from carcinomas of the: lung GI tract breast and pancreas