More Enron Flashcards
The greatest of these [aspects of humanity]…
Is money”
Skilling - power/greed
Let’s. Fucking.
Skilling - greed/power
“That’s cause you’re…
Skilling to Fastow - power/masculinity
“You want..
Fastow offering shoes to skilling - power play/ ingratiating
“Hey fuck it…
Two guys in a room”
Fastow imitating Skilling’s expletive lexis “those Washington fucks”
Skilling “gets
On the floor”
Loss of power
“I hope
Your dick falls off”
Prostitute to Skilling
Power loss
“In a bathrobe and
Eating a Twinkie”
Describing Skilling - power loss
“He ups Fastow’s…
Speed again” on a running machine
Power play/masculinity
Skilling had “death
Masculinity and hubris
“Let’s rape…
this motherfucker”
Trader - masculinity and aggression
“Andy Fastow”
Skilling - formal to show hubris and masculinity
A trader “shows him….
His penis”
Demeaning Fastow - masculinity
“I’m fucking
Skilling - hubris/entitlement
“Some people are…
Fucking idiots”
Skilling - hubris/entitlement