More definitions and key terms for the witchcraze topic Flashcards
Maleficium - An evil deed.
- By 1580 it was referred to as an act of witchcraft that was used intending to harm.
Sacrament - A ceremony carried out to achieve spiritual grace - e.g Holy Communion.
Devil’s mark
Devil’s mark - A mark on the body of somebody who had entered an agreement with the Devil.
It was believed that this would be achieved through gatherings where people would give their souls to the devil during a black sabbat by having sex.
Cunning folk
Cunning folk - Someone or something (such as a fairy) generally carried out good deeds.
They are also described as folk healers.
Assize circuit
Assize circuit - courts that traveled in six circuits around the country, hearing serious cases of crimes.
Justice of the peace
Justice of the peace - a public official that is appointed to administer the law at a local level.
Privy council
Privy council - Private council of the ruling monarch
Vagrant - A beggar or an unemployed person. However, by the 17th century, they were seen as people that could work, but chose not to work - this could be punishable by whipping.
Royal society
Royal society - established in 1660 in order to promote the idea of advancement, science, and rational thought
- Heavily contributed to the process of enlightenment.
Dissenter - A member of the non-established church outside the church of England.
Melancholia - Depression / sorrowfullness
Idolater - Someone who worships false idols
Nonconformist - A protestant who does not conform to the practices of the Church of England
Calvinist - Somebody that follows the ideas of John Calvin - Protestant reformation - very strict - puritanism
Heretic - Someone who disagrees with the teachings of the church
Homocentric - The belief that all rotations in the universe are centered around the Earth
Natural Philosophy
The study of the natural world
Empiricism - the belief that knowledge can only come from experience - seek out evidence to formulate theories.
Polymath - A person of wide knowledge and learning who specializes in a number of different subjects
Convention Parliament
Convention Parliament - parliament assembled without the authority of the monarch
Alchemist - Somebody who tries to turn common substances and liquids into gold and potions to cure diseases.
Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning - Reasoning based on facts and evidence
Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning - When a conclusion is made based on something that is known or assumed.