Mordad 4th, She was only given a placebo Flashcards
___ viral
Remedy (n)
cure (n)
How + adjective
It depends on how serious it is!
treat (v)
Treatment (n)
Doctors know how to treat cancer.
He is being treated for a rare skin disease.
Western medicine tends to treat the symptoms and not the cause.
Warm water and lemon and honey
This combination works like a charm.
خیلی جواب میده
Placebo effect
She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that’s the placebo effect.
اثر دارو نما
i still haven’t been able to _____ that cold!
شیمی درمانی
Chemo therapy
سیستم ایمنی
Immune system
سیستم گوارش
Digestive system
طب سوزنی
infection (n)
a serious infection
a throat infection
the evil eye
a look that someone gives other people that is believed to have the power to injure or harm them
مهمان نواز
Hospitable (adj)
The villagers were very hospitable to/towards anyone who passed through.
hangover (n)
a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol:
I had a terrible hangover the next morning.
a hangover cure