Morality Midterm 2022 Flashcards
the main message of Pope Benedict XVI’s Lenten address
He warned that “idolatry of goods” leads to unhappiness
Was St. Augustine of Hippo always faithful to the beliefs of Christianity?
What was Jesus’s mission for humanity?
holiness of life
Does the Bible accounts of Adam and Eve teach us about our ability to choose good over evil?
encourages all humans to act in the image of God?
Natural Law
the quote from St. Irenaeus
“The glory of god is the human person fully alive, human life is the vision of God”
moral law
Moral law urges us ‘to do what is good and avoid what is evil
human happiness comes with the pursuit of goodness
The more good we do the freer we become
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in everyone’s heart that cannot be filled by _______________________, but by God
any created thing
our happiness is rooted in our relationship with who
the goodness or evil of human acts, and is rooted in the moral law
goods for happiness
separation of god and life
Free will
ability to choose between good and evil
present evil as good by the attraction to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of god
Who is the model for the human search for happiness?
St. Augustine of Hippo
gave us the beatitudes? And where?
Jesus ; the Sermon on the Mount
were we find the beatitudes in the bible
Synoptic Gospels of Matthew and Luke
what is a symbol for the presence of God
slow to anger
Poor in spirit
Putting God first
God is with us in times of sorrow, disappointment, and death
Hebrew word that points to all the goodness and best in life that God wills for us
First words that the risen Jesus said to his disciples
“Peace be with you.”
When we suffer in the cause of justice we are bringing about what?
Kingdom of God
the theological virtue that supports our desire for and faith in eternal life?
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for ___________________ , for they shall be fille
righteousness sake
Moral law
part of god’s plan for holiness and justice for all of creation
Natural law
it is in our hearts, expresses the dignity of all humans.
make good decisions and reject bad ones
a prayer to help us be aware of our conscience and make good decisions/examine our actions
is it a good idea to follow the ‘conscience of the group”
No, because it could be contrary to your own belief
Living a moral life includes: moral virtues and a well-developed conscience
when people use human reason they can know God’s plan for goodness
foundation for building good moral rules
Ten commandments
Allows us to know whether or not an action is in life with natural and revealed law.
How do we form our conscience correctly?
read scripture, know Jesus, obey church teachings
St. Thomas Aquinas
“to do good and avoid evil” and natural law
St. Thomas More
attorney, trusted advisor to King Henry VII
Teaches us that we must work for justice
strengthens us to do God’s will freely in everyday circumstances
God’s grace.
We are called to respect the __________ of every person
Who did God reveal himself too, as creator, liberator and savior?
Adam and Eve
what prevents us from having true happiness
Did God ever turn his back on humanity and wait for reconciliation?
the root of sin in the heart of man
his free will
be serious, and a contributor to more serious vices
Capital sins
the human misuse of the God-given gift of freedom first revealed in
tendency to be engaged in the battle between good and evil is a result of
original sin
We are to ______ the sin, ______ the sinner
hate ; love
Sin of commission
taking action we should not, doing something you know is wrong
offense against god’s will
social sin
oppresses a group of people, ideas, or practices that are agreed upon in society but are sinful
Moral relativism
teaches that no act is good or evil in and of itself, and that truth does not matter
Capital sins
the seven deadly sins, the source of all sins, lead to mortal sins
Sin of omission
choosing to not to do what is right or expected
St. Claudine Thevenet
founder of the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary on Oct 6, 1818
A _______ is a result of our sinful choices
“hardened heart”
What must we do to bring about the Kingdom of God?
work for justice
the primary work of the church
Evangelical Counsels
the values of those in consecrated life take
Ordinary examples of daily life to reveal teachings about the Kingdom of God
Laypeople supporting a religious order
The process of becoming more like Christ
Evangelical counsel of poverty
puts god above all else
Evangelical counsel of obedience
the baptized who live the consecrated life vow to be obedient
St. Peter
rock of church
life of a hermit / Hermit
living a secluded life for a personal intimacy with Christ
Societies of epostice life
laypeople who make a promise to live in the community to serve the poor
Kingdom of God (look like)
a world where Jesus Christ reigns as king
Apostles and their successors
Lay and ecclesial minister
those who work for and in the church
Who can enter consecrated life?
Anyone who’s been baptized
Who denied knowing Jesus even though he was a follower?
Peter denied Jesus three times
The three states of life?
Discipleship begins with?
who is the ‘head’ of the church
Jesus Christ
Who is called to build up the kingdom of God?
What sacrament hands down the mission of the Apostles?
Sacrament of holy orders
the person that used the Church as the Body of Christ to teach about unity
St. Paul