Moores stuff Flashcards
Waterfall Model
- Consists of a sequence of discrete stages
- Must be completed in sequence, one must finish before next starts
- Deliverables are produced at end of each stage
- Earlier stages can be revisited if errors found
- Suitable for large scale
RAD Model
- Type of incremental model
- Whole project divided into series of builds, each of which undergo own separate cycle
- Components of system developed in parallel, within a given time frame, then assembled to produce a working prototype which is delivered to user for feedback
Agile Model
- Combination of iterative and incremental models
- Aim is the rapid development of a working product in response to customer needs
- Project split into number of small independent module
- Series of teams will simultaneously work on modules
- Each module developed by separate team who work with a project leader who co ordinates each team
- New changes can be implemented a little cost
Gantt Charts
Type of bar chart used to show the start + finish dates of various elements of a project. Shows all activities forming part of overall project plotted against time.
Critical Path Analysis
Software tool which enables a project manger to plan the projects schedule, monitor the projects progress + amend schedule if required. The project manager can maintain control of project by constructing graphical model of project, identifying resources required, critical activities and float times, calculating minimum time needed for project completion
Version Management
The tracking and monitoring of changes to system during its development + operational life. Ensures everyone involved is working with same system. Provides audit trial for revision + update of draft + final version
Archiving and Backup
Archiving is the storage of info for a long period of time. Archived data important top company but not of immediate use. Backup is the process of making copies of software in case originals are lost or damaged. If system failure, system can be rebuilt with backup data.
Disaster Recovery Plan
Organisation may be at risk from natural or man made disaster, so organisation must be able to function in an emergency capacity while risk active or to function normally as soon as possible after risk
What are the 6 stages of a Disaster Recover Plan
1- Identification of potential risk- details of potential disasters
2- Scope of plan- Identifying most important areas of infrastructure covered by plan.
3- Identification of staff with responsibility
4- Plan of Action- identify steps needed to ensure recovery in given time frame
5- Revision + testing plan- Should be tested and reviewed on a regular basis
6- Policies to support continuity of infrastructure in areas identified in scope of plan.
How can the end user be involved in the waterfall model?
Will assist systems analyst in identifying the User Requirements by taking part in interviews and will be involved in systems testing and will provide feedback to the systems analyst
How is the systems analyst involved in the waterfall model?
Will be involved in all stages of development, will liaise with client, technical member and end users and will establish the User Requirements
Identify two risks s software project may face and how it could affect the project
Time- a project may take too long which could result in key personnel or hardware having to move on leaving project unfinished
Budget- project could go over budget and not be finished or not be finished until financial constraints are resolved
Personnel- Key personnel could be unavailable when needed which could result in task not being started or finished
Identify three responsibilities of a project manager
Schedule project, budget project, manage hardware and software of project
Describe a suitable strategy for backup and restoring
Suitable strategy for backup:
Back up on magnetic tape, hard disk is copied every night week or month
Suitable recovery strategy
Tape is kept off site in fire proof safe, and tape can be copied to hard drive after failure
Explain why a disaster recovery plan is needed
To ensure that the organisation can continue to operate after a disaster such as flooding, it ensures critical data has been identified, ensures key functions and staff are identified.
Identify three components of a disaster recovery plan
Identify main risks to organisiation, identifies backup and recovery method to be used, key personnel and key roles
What is differential backup?
Backs up data which has changed since last full backup
What is incremental backup?
Backs up data which has changed since last backup whether it be differential or full or incremental backup