Moons and Planets Flashcards
☯The sixth-largest moon of Saturn
☯Energy Source: Tidal forces from the strong gravitational pull of Saturn “stretches” Enceladus, which causes frictions and warms the moon’s interior
☯The surface of the icy moon is thought to be about 99% water ice, with a good chance of liquid water beneath the surface
☯Chemical building blocks(observations from the Cassini probe’s flyby in 2005): Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
☯Geysers spurting ice particles, water vapor, silica, salts, and trace organic compounds from the surface were observed
☯Organic compounds: acetylene, propane, and methane
☯The geysers and the heat exit the south pole of the moon through fissures known as the “tiger stripes”
☯Microbial life may exist in the liquid water beneath the surface
☯The salts found in the geysers suggest that the ocean is salty
☯One of the 4 main moons of Jupiter
☯Europa’s crust is totally composed of water ice
☯The cracks in the surface ice suggest that a vast ocean is underneath
☯Electrical currents and a magnetic field have been detected, suggesting that Europa’s ocean is a salty ocean
☯Energy Source: tidal forces from the strong gravitational pull of Jupiter “stretches” Europa, which causes friction and warms the icy moon’s interior
☯Microbial life could potentially survive near the hydrothermal vents on Europa, as it does on Earth
☯Jupiter’s radiation helps produce Hydrogen Peroxide on the surface. Peroxide can breakdown into oxygen if mixed in with water
☯Elements requires for life such carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur are widely believed to be present on Europa
☯Largest moon of Saturn
☯Lakes of liquid Hydrocarbons (mostly methane and some ethane) have been observes by the Cassini spacecraft
☯Rounded ice rocks and other erosional features suggest that a liquid was moving on the surface
☯Scientists believe that Titan has a “liquid hydrocarbon cycle” that resembles Earth’s water cycle
☯Some scientists suggest that the liquid methane/ethane could help organic compounds come together in a similar way, in which water helped organic compounds come together in earth’s “primordial soup”
☯Titan is the only body in our solar system that has liquid on its surface other than Earth
☯Scientists believe that there could be an ocean of salty liquid water under the surface
☯The energy source for this salty water ocean would be from the Tidal forces of the gas giant Saturn
☯Scientists suggest that it might be possible for microbial life based on methane may exist in the “lakes” of Titan
☯The innermost of Jupiter’s large moons and the most volcanically active body in the solar system
☯Plumes of volcanic matter rising up to 186 miles (300 KM) above the surface
☯Energy source: Tidal forces from the strong gravitational pull of Jupiter “stretches” Io, which warms the moon’s interior
☯Only slight chance of liquid water Io’s surface. No liquid water has been discovered on Io yet
☯It is believed that there was water in the past but is now gone because of Jupiter’s radiation
☯Organic compounds may exist under the surface
☯Not the best candidate for life
☯Moon of Jupiter
☯Most heavily cratered body in our solar system
☯Might be able to conduct electrical currents from Jupiter’s magnetic field so the ocean might be salty
☯Energy Source: Tidal flexing caused by Jupiter
☯Organic compounds have been detected
☯Microbial life may existed in the ocean
☯4th planet from the Sun
☯Large bodies of water ice were found at Mars’ poles and some water ice was found under the surface by the rover Curiosity
☯Many scientists believe liquid water once flowed across the surface, like it now does on earth
☯The atmosphere consists of mostly Carbon dioxide (95%), Oxygen, Argon, Nitrogen, and some other gases
☯A spike of methane gas has been observed on Mars (Microbes are known producers of methane)
☯Recent discovery: WIthin dark narrow streaks known as “recurring slope lineae,” or RSLs: Scientists detected hydrated salts (They are most likely formed when salty water flows down a slope”
☯The moon of Jupiter is the biggest moon in our solar system
☯Ocean is probably salty because of the moon’s magnetic field
☯”Club sandwich” effect: alternating ice and water
☯Might have more ocean water than Earth has with all its oceans combined
☯Energy source: Tidal flexing caused by Jupiter and radioactivity from its core
☯Organic compounds have been detected
☯Microbial life in the ocean might be possible