Moon and tide review Flashcards
Why can we always see the moon from the earth?
The time it takes the Moon to rotate on its axis is the same time it takes to complete one trip around the Earth.
Phases in order from new moon back to new moon.
New Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent.
How long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth?
About one month
Why is the same side of the moon always facing Earth?
The moon rotates exactly once every time it circles the Earth.
What is the difference between waxing and waning?
Waxing means it’s getting bigger while waning means it’s getting smaller.
What phase of the moon is it during a solar eclipse?
New moon
What phase of the moon is it during a lunar eclipse?
Full moon
What force is responsible for the tides on earth?
Gravity of the Moon and Sun
Why do we have 2 high tides a day?
Because the moon is pulling the water with the earth once, and away from the earth once
When does a neap tide occur?
Neap tides occur during the first and third quarter moon, when the moon appears half full.
When does a spring tide occur?
Whenever the Moon is in a new-moon or full-moon phase, or about every 14 days.
Spring Tide
A tide just after a new or full moon
Neap Tide
A tide just after the first or third quarters of the moon
Ebb Current
The tidal phase during which the tidal current is flowing seaward
Flood Current
A tidal current that moves toward a shore or up a tidal river
High Tide
The state of the tide when at its highest level.
Low Tide
The state of the tide when at its lowest level.
Full Moon
The phase of the moon in which its whole disk is illuminated.
New Moon
The phase of the moon when it is in front of the sun so no light reflects
When the moon seems to get larger
When the moon seems to get smaller
When the moon is greater than a circle and less than a semicircle
The curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.
¼ moon
When it appears that half of the moon is light up.