Mood Stabilisers (PSYCH DRUGS) Flashcards
Mood stabiliser indication
Acute mania in Bipolar disorder
Mood stabiliser examples
x4 - Lithium + 3 anticonvulsants
1. Lithium
2. Valproate
3. Carbamazepine
4. Lamotrigine
Lamotrigine indiciation
- Acute bipolar depression
- Depression prophylaxis
- Maintenance treatment in bipolar depression
NOT in acute mania and mania prophylaxis
Most effective mood stabiliser
Indications of lithium
- Gold standard for rx of acute mania (classic euphoric mania)
- Prophylaxis of bipolar disorder
- Anti suicidal properties in bipolar pt by reducing impulsivity
MOA of lithium
Target 2nd messenger systems (ie. at intracellular and molecular level) -> dampen excessive excitatory neurotransmission in mania
2nd messenger systems targeted by lithium
- Inositol monophosphatase
- Glycogen synthase kinase
Maintenance treatment serum lithium levels
Lithium toxicity serum level
> 1.5mmol/L
Lithium toxicity symptoms
x3 groups
1. Gastro: vomiting, profuse diarrhea
2. Motor/Neuro: coarse tremor, ataxia, slurred speech, nystagmus
3. Mental/neuro: Drowsiness, confusion, seizures, coma
Acute toxicity - more gastro symptoms
Chronic toxicity - more neuro symptoms
Rating scale for severity of lithium toxicity
Amdisen rating scale
Side effects of lithium x6
- Tremor
- Renal effect (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, chronic tubulointerstitial nephropathy - a/w long term use)
- Hypothyroidism
- Cardiac effect (heart block)
- Weight gain (Metabolic side effect)
- Teratogen - Lithium and pregnancy (Ebstein Anomaly)
Lithium monitoring (before starting and when using)
1. ECG (Look out for SSS, heart block)
2. Renal panel, TFT
When starting:
1. Serum lithium, serum Cr, TFT every 6/12
*Measure serum lithium 12 hrs after last dose
Factors affecting serum Li concentration
- Dehydration - GI loss, heat, fever, fluid restriction (higher Li levels)
- Increased sodium intake (lower Li levels)
- Decreased sodium intake/sodium depletion -> reabsorption of Li along with Na (higher Li levels)
- Drug-induced (higher Li levels) - diuretics eg. Thiazide, NSAIDs, ACEi/ARB
- Drug drug interaction
Lithium patient education
- Advice adequate hydration (hot weather, diarrhea)
- Warn of drug interaction (diuretics, NSAIDs (analgeisa), ACEi, antacids (sodium bicarbonate)