Mood disorders tutorial PP Flashcards
What is the Depression Criteria
Five or more of the following symptoms over the same 2 week period and represent a change in functioning. At least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest of pleasure
Understand and recognise symptoms of depression - what are the symptoms that come under the depression criteria
Depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday
Markedly diminished interest or pleasure
Significant weight loss (when not dieting) or gain, or decrease/ increase in appetite
Insomnia or hypersomnia
Psychomotor agitation or retardation
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feeling worthless or inappropriate guilt
Lack of concentration and/ or indecisiveness
Recurrent thoughts of death or recurrent suicidal ideation
ALSO; the symptoms cause significant distress or impairment
What is the Criteria for Mania
Distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood lasting at least 1 week (or any duration is hospitalisation is necessary) with 3 or more of the following symptoms (4 symptoms if mood is irritable)
Understand and recognise symptoms of mania- what are the symptoms that come under the mania criteria
Inflated self esteem or grandiosity
Decreased need for sleep
More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
Flight of ideas or racing thoughts
Increase in goal directed activity
Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have high potential for painful consequences
Suicide assessment. What are the questions youd ask
It may feel uncomfortable but the reality is that the person is more likely to appreciate frank questions and feel relieved about talking about how they feel. i.e.
You’ve told me a bit about what is happening
Does it seem unbearable at times?
Have you had thoughts of hurting yourself?
Have you ever tried to hurt yourself?
Do you ever have thoughts of hurting someone else?
In addition explore planning: ask about how (pills, hanging, weapons)
Ask about access (what pills have you got now)
ask about a timeframe (when)
Mania is Characterised by 3 main features:
persistently elevated mood (elation or irritability); increased activity and poor judgement.
Consequences of mania = behaviour DSM 5 (APA 2013) includes behaviours such as
inflated self esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative, pressured speech, flight of ideas, racing thoughts, distractibility, poor attention span, increase in goal directed activity, excessive involvement in activities that have potential for painful consequences
What else does Mania look like? and symptoms?
Causes impairment in social or occupational functioning
Is not attributable to a physiological cause i.e. drugs
May experience delusions and hallucinations
High risk of dehydration, malnutrition
Appearance: can be colourful and ‘over the top’ dishevelled, malodorous
Must be present for at least a week
ISBAR. What does it stand for and when is it normally used?
Used to handover or to inform colleagues. Identify, Situation, Background, Assessment, Request
CHARACTERISTICS OF NEGATIVE THINKING PDF. State the name of each negative thought process. 1. Viewing a situation in only two categories rather than on a
e.g., “If I’m not a total success, I’m a failure”
- Black and White Thinking
Predicting the future negatively without considering other,
more likely outcomes
e.g.,” I’ll be so anxious I won’t be able to cope”
- Catastrophizing
Unreasonably state that positive experiences, deeds or
qualities do not count.
e.g., “I did that project well, but that doesn’t mean I’m
competent; I just got lucky”
- Disqualifying the Positive
Thinking something must be true because it is believed so
strongly, ignoring or discounting the evidence to the contrary.
e.g., “I know I do a lot of things well at work but I still feel a
- Emotional Reasoning
Believing others are behaving negatively because of you,
without considering more plausible explanations for their
e.g., “The repairman was curt to me because I did something
- Personalization
Only seeing the negative aspects of a situation
e.g., “My son’s teacher can’t do anything right. He’s critical and
insensitive and lousy at teaching.
- Tunnel Vision
Believing that you know what others are thinking, failing to
consider other more likely options.
e.g., “He’s thinking that I don’t know the first thing about this
- Mind Reading