Mood Disorders Flashcards
Categorising Mood Disorders
Unipolar Disorders-One side of the mood spectrum
Bipolar Disorder e.g. mania, bipolar disorder, cyclothymia
Symptoms of Depression
Depressed mood Negative Thinking Lack of enjoyment Reduced energy Slowness
Symptoms of Mania
Elevated mood
Self important ideas
Aetiology of Depression
Genetic component with family clustering
Neurobiological theories:
Monoamine hypothesis-deficiency in serotonin, NA and dopamine, Endocrine abnormalities-Hypothyroidism, HPA dysfunction, blunted cortisol response to stress
Immunological theories-Increased cytokines leading to HPA dysfunction
Psycho-social theories include parental deprivation, recent life events, learned helplessness, cognitive dysfunction and psycho-analytical theory (anger turned inwards)
3 Core Symptoms
3 Cardinal Symptoms:
Depressed mood
Loss of interest and enjoyment (anhedonia)
Reduced energy levels, easy fatigability, diminished activity and tiredness
Must be present for at least 2 weeks
Not secondary to an external factor like medications, bereavement
Causes significant distress and impairment
Cognitive Symptoms
Reduced concentration and attention Reduced self-esteem and self-confidence Ideas of guilt and unworthiness Pessimism Ideas or acts of self harm and/or suicide
Biological Symptoms
Loss of interest
Lack of emotional reactivity
Disturbed sleep, generally with early morning awakening
Diurnal variation, with symptoms worst in the morning
Objective evidence of psychomotor retardation
Poor appetite and weight loss
Loss of libido
Classification of Depressive Disorders
Mild-2 cardinal plus 2 others, total 4, usually able to continue ordinary work
Moderate-2 cardinal plus four others, total 5/6, considerable difficulty in carrying out social, work or domestic activities
Severe without psychosis-All 3 core plus 5+ others, unlikely to continue social, work or domestic activities, suicide risk high
Severe with psychotic symptoms-All 3 core plus 5+ others, unlikely to continue social, work or domestic activities, suicide risk high, delusions, hallucinations or depressive stupor. Delusions are mood congruent e.g. sin, poverty, imminent disaster
Clinical Variants of Depression
- Agitated depression, this is depression with some features of mania e.g. impulsiveness
- Depressive stupor, this is psychomotor retardation to the point of apparent coma
- Atypical depression e.g. overeating, oversleeping, pronounced anxiety, variable mood
Recurrent depressive disorder
severe relapsing-remitting form of depression, and is commonest in the 5th decade
- Individual episodes last 3 – 12 months with complete recovery in between. The interval between episodes becomes gradually shorter with age
- Some patients may develop a chronic unremitting course
Investigations in Depression
In addition to focussed questioning on mood, it is useful to use a standardised rating scale as a baseline prior to any management plans
- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) may be used, this is a 21 question test assessing how the patient has been feeling over the course of the past week
Investigations in depression are focussed on excluding treatable causes of the symptoms, and secondary problems e.g. malnutrition, alcohol misuse
- FBC, ESR, B12/folate, U&Es, LFTs, TFTs, glucose, and calcium studies
- Where indicated there can be urine toxicology, syphilis serology, dexamethasone suppression test for Cushing’s, and short synacthen test for Addison’s
Management In Depression
Managed using a biopsychosocial model
Medication have a greater effect on more severe disease, not effective in mild cases
Psychological treatments in depression include the following:
CBT-Breakdown of unhelpful thoughts, emotions and behaviours
Interpersonal therapy
Attendance at day hospitals
Social Factors: Address
Support networks
Respite care and voluntary organisations can be helpful in this
Biological Treatments
Work to increase the function of monoamines
SSRIs-First line e.g. fluoxetine
SNRIs-Venlafaxine, duloxetine, used in resistant disease
Mirtazipine-a2 receptor antagonist
MAOi e.g. phenelzine
SSRIs Side Effects
Side Effects:
GI Upset, sweating, insomnia, weight gain, decreased seizure threshold, sexual dysfunction
Lag period of 4-6 weeks before effects are seen
Side Effects
Weight gain