Mood Disorders Flashcards
Suicide ___ leading cause of death in U.S. youth
___% of youth attempted suicide in the last year
13% had a plan
Most who engage in suicidal behavior don’t ___
seek services
Suicide costs U.S. ___ billion in medical and work loss costs
44.6 billion
Average suicide costs ___
Survivors are:
At risk for suicide
Are deeply impacted and experience a range of emotions
7% of US population knew someone who died of suicide in the last 12 months
Mood and development
Domains of competence
Domains of competence
areas of challenge and that have an impact on how children see themselves
Transition from childhood to adolescence is marked by:
- the development of an increased sense of self
2. the increased development of a sense of competence
4 Mood Disorders
- Major depressive disorder
- Persistent depressive
- disruptive mood dysregulation
- Bipolar
Major Depressive Disorder
characterized by sadness, loss of pleasure, and cognitive, behavioral, and somatic symptoms
- Deep
- Lasts 2 weeks or longer
Persistent Depressive Disorder
longstanding disturbance of mood and places the child or teen at significantly greater risk for developing major depression
-Less severe
Bipolar disorder
a severe form of mood disorder involving alternating periods of depression and mania
-Similar presentation in children vs adults
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Severe, recurrent temper tantrums that are atypical with respect to intensity and frequency
*new to DSM 5
Phenotypic Variability Across Development
Young children often have a more ______ appearance, display more ______ and struggle with ______.
depressed appearance,
display more somatic difficulties and anxiety symptoms
Struggle with externalizing behaviors