Mood disorders Flashcards
What is Mood?
A pervasive and sustained emotion (feeling) that influences a person’s behavior and colours their perception of being in the world.
Why is it important to assess for depression?
> Significant impact on individual and society.
Affects relationships, employment, future.
Peak incidence 30 y/o – NB time in career, life partner, etc.
Lifetime prevalence of 10%; average duration of 3/12; episodic course
Which biological factors can cause MDD?
- Biological Factors:
-The monoamines (noradrenalin, serotonin, dopamine most implicated in MDD).
-Not a simple deficit.
-Drugs that ↑ these neurotransmitters treat MDD.
-Immunological disturbance.
-HPA overactivity is common but not diagnostic.
-Thyroid axis activity changes may play a role, as well as second messenger systems, growth hormone, and prolactin.
What genetic factors cause MDD(Major depressive disorder)?
Genetic factors
-Mood disorders are heritable but only ↑ the risk.
-Concordance in monozygotic twins is 70-90%, and in dizygotic twins it is 16-35%.
- MDD and bipolar disorder may have similar causative genes.
What psychosocial factors cause MDD?
-Life events and environmental stressors
-Personality factors
How do you diagnose MDD?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 TR criteria – main method of diagnosis.
-Mnemonic to remember the 9 criteria: M SIGE CAPS (Mood, Sleep, Interest, Guilt, Energy, Concentration, Appetite, PSM agitation/retardation, suicidality)
-Must meet at least 5 criteria, at least one of which being MOOD or INTEREST (screening tool)
-Ask questions without sounding like ticking off a checklist.
-Try to understand the person’s experience.
-Use open and closed-ended questions, empathic and validating statements, and summarizing statements for clarification and correction.
-Be non-judgmental.
Sibu, 28 y/o woman, 1st year registrar.
Presented with few weeks hx fatigue, inability to keep up with peers at work. Wonders if something physically wrong with her vs MDD.
Broke up with long-term boyfriend few months ago
Referred to you by GP as psychiatry intern.
What questions would you ask Sibu?
Screen for commonly comorbid conditions and possible other diagnoses e.g., manic/hypomanic episodes, anxiety, eating disorders, substance-use (OTC, prescribed, illicit)
You gather a Hx and MSE from Sibu:Started 2 months ago – tired and sad at end of the day, didn’t want to do anything except eat and sleep. Thought she was missing her ex, but now feels terrible. Can barely get out of bed; can’t focus at work. Used to love seeing patients, now feels like never will be a good doctor. Doesn’t want to die but sees no hope for the future.
MSE: kempt, poor EC, dysphoric, preoccupied with failures. What is the course and prognosis of MDD?
-Mood disorders tend to have long courses and individuals tend to have relapses.
-Untreated major depressive episodes last around 6 – 13 months and treated episodes about 3 months.
-As individuals have more and more episodes, the time between episodes tends to decrease and the severity of each episode tends to worsen.
What is the next step after taking Hx?
-Rule out medical and psychiatric conditions that can mimic MDD, e.g.,
-Hypothyroidism, MS, OSA
Substances – stimulant withdrawal, ETOH
-Bipolar illness/other depressive disorders (adjustment disorder, persistent depressive disorder)
-Grief/bereavement/normal sadness
-MEDICAL: can cause psychosocially or pathophysiologically (MDD a diagnosis of exclusion)
-Take a psychiatric, medical, and family history.
-Conduct a thorough physical examination.
What investigations can you do to help you rule out other causes of depression other than MDD?
-TSH (if Sx of hypothyroidism)
-FBC (if Sx of low energy or anaemia)
-B12 and folate
-Baseline electrolytes to ensure no abnormalities
-Urine toxicology
-Others as appropriate (syphilis serology, HIV, CTB, EEG etc.)
How does substance use relate to MDD?
- Substance use or withdrawal can cause, exacerbate, or be used in response to MDD.
-Do the Sx of MDD predate or persist beyond acute intoxication or withdrawal?
-Are the Sx more significant than would be expected for the type and quantity of substances used?
Types of substance:
-Prescription drugs: Long list, especially interferon, steroids, clonidine, methyldopa
-Roaccutane, varenicline – mixed evidence
-COC, beta-blockers likely not associated
-Alcohol-use, stimulant withdrawal.
What would differentiate MDD from a normal reaction to grief/ negative event?
Grief/bereavement – symptoms overlap but unlikely to suffer from worthlessness, guilt, or hopelessness unless related to the loss specifically.
-Be careful not to over or under-diagnose.
-The goal is to treat symptoms, not take feelings away.
How do you treat MDD?
-Use a biopsychosociocultural approach –management will depend on resources available where practicing.
-Rule out (or in) acute suicidality.
-Specify if mild, moderate or severe MDD (subjective – number and severity of symptoms and degree of impact on life and functioning).
-Sibu: finds Sx distressing but has been mostly able to cope at work = mild.
What types of psychotherapies could help you manage MDD?
- CBT(Cognitive behavioural therapy).
- IPT( Interpersonal therapy)
- Mindfulness-based CBT.
What are the benefits of using CBT to manage MDD?
- Standardized therapy: aims to correct cognitive distortions.
- Logical analysis and reinterpretation of automatic thoughts.
- Group or individual therapy.
- Good evidence for it.
What are the benefits of using interpersonal therapy(IPT) to treat MDD?
- Problem-focused.
- Current relationships and interpersonal events that contribute to and maintain depression are addressed.