Monthly Quizzes Flashcards
How do you assess a football player down on the field with suspected cervical fracture?
Activate spine emergency protocol if player is
- unconscious/AMS
- bilateral neuro findings/complaints
- significant cervical pain with or without palpation
- obvious spinal deformity
SCD in athletes less than 35 years old is usually from what?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
How is concussion assessed on sideline?
SCAT3, SAC, other neuropsychological batteries for ATTENTION and MEMORY FUNCTION with Maddocks’ questions. (EMS orientation questions are not comparably reliable.)
What are the 6 stages of concussion RTP protocol?
- rest
- light aerobic activity
- sport-specific exercise
- non-contact training drills
- full contact practice
- return to play
How long should someone spend s/s-free at each stage of concussion RTP protocol before moving on to the next?
24 hours
For what ages should the concussion RTP protocol be changed and how?
Kids under 13 should have it stretched out.
What abdominal trauma signs require immediate medical eval?
- rebound tenderness
- significantly altered vital signs
- complaint of serious ab or systemic symptoms after trunk trauma
When do you remove the helmet of an athlete with suspected cervical injury?
In the ED.
When do you remove the helmet of an athlete with suspected cervical injury while on the field?
- If the helmet doesn’t fit right, leaving the head to bobble around independently in there
- if it’s preventing neutral alignment or airway access
What do you do with shoulder pads with suspected cervical injury?
Make sure they’re not preventing cervical alignment - sometimes they do for football/ice hockey, and then they can be removed, but that creates more possibility for aggravation of injury.
Fracture hallmark sign: zygomatic arch
flattened cheekbone
Fracture hallmark sign: orbital blowout
sunken eyeball
Fracture hallmark sign: nasal fracture
crooked nose
Fracture hallmark sign: maxillary
elongated/distorted face
Fracture hallmark sign: mandible
sublingual hematoma, step deformity