Monte Carlo Theoretical Flashcards
Write the CDF for a Uniform distribution
Gerade mit Steigung U(r) = P( r <= R) = r
Write the PDF for a uniform distribution
u(r) = d(U)/dr = 1
Describe a mathematical procedure to generate seemingly
random numbers uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.
Use van Neumann algorithm where next random number is based on last random number.
x = (a*x(-1) + c) mod m
Describe the computational steps of a Monte Carlo simulation for
the estimation of the number pi.
- Compute random anlge theta
- probability that needle intersects a line based on theta?
Test this out on paper
Apply the inverse transform method to sample from a uniform
probability distribution U(a,b) defined in the range [a, b]
Look online for a random function, then calculate inverse
Can you use the inverse transform method to sample failure
times from a probability function characterized by time-dependent
hazard rate? If so, provide a numerical example of such
probability function, show the analytical expression for the
inverse transform and comment it. What is the hazard rate?
Weilbull distribution has a time-dependant hazard-rate.
Write this down on paper.
hazard rate:
alpha * Beta * t^(alpha-1)
Describe the steps to sample from a probability distribution fX(x)
defined in the interval [a,b] using the rejection method. What are
the conditions for the application of the rejection sampling
We can use the rejection method by decomposing fx(x) into a simple pdf g(x) and a difficult to solve H(x). We need to be able determine the max of H(x).
- Sample a x’ from the inverse of g(x) (or uniform)
- put x’ into h(x’) = H(x)/maxH
- Generate second random number R
- if R <= h’(x) accept sample, otherwise reject
Is it possible to sample from a probability distribution fX(x) defined in the
interval [a,b] that tends to infinity? If so, provide a numerical example of
such case and show how to sample from it using the rejection method.
It is possible to sample from a probability function that has a singularity.
What is the definition of the efficiency of the rejection sampling method?
How can it be computed? What is a good strategy to increase the efficiency
of the rejection sampling method?
What is the computational procedure to estimate the definite integral of a
function h(x) in the interval [a,b] using Monte Carlo? How can you show that
the Monte Carlo estimate is a good estimator for the true definite integral?
Mathematically show that GN, i.e. the Monte Carlo estimate of the definite
integral of h(x)=g(x)*f(x) in the interval [a,b], is an unbiased and consistent
estimator for G, i.e. the true value of the definite integral of h(x) in the
interval [a,b].
How can we increase the precision of GN , i.e. the Monte Carlo estimate of
the definite integral of h(x)=g(x)*f(x) in the interval [a,b]? What is the effect
of increasing N on the variance of the estimate Var[GN]? Derive an equation
that shows this effect.
How can we increase the precision of GN , i.e. the Monte Carlo
estimate of the definite integral of h(x)=g(x)*f(x) in the interval
[a,b] using the same number of samples N? What is the effect of
the selection of g(x) on the variance of the estimate Var[GN]?
Derive an equation that shows this effect.
What is the effect of selecting g(x) and f(x) functions that peak in
different regions of the [a,b] interval on the Monte Carlo estimate
of the definite integral of h(x)=g(x)*f(x) in the interval [a,b].
What is the effect of biased sampling (Importance Sampling) on
the Monte Carlo estimate of the definite integral of h(x)=g(x)*f(x)
in the interval [a,b]. Show what importance sampling means in
practice with a graphical example.