Monitor, troubleshoot, optimize Azure solutions Flashcards
What are the Azure Cache for Redis service tiers?
Basic, Standard, Premium, Enterprise, Enterprise Flash
What are the key scenarious Azure Cache for Redis covers?
- Data cache
- Content cache
- Session store
- Job and message queuing
- Distributes transactions
What are the key parameters for creating an Azure Cache for Redis instance?
- Name: globally unique name in Azure.
- Location: place your cache instance and app in the same region
- Cache type: The tier determines the size, performance and features available for the cache.
- Clustering support: Premium, Enterprise and Enterprise Flash tiers can implement clustering to auto split your dataset among multi nodes.
What’s Azure Cache for Redis?
It provides an in-memory data store based on the Redis software. Redis improves the performance and scalability of an app that uses backend data stores heavily.
Redis brings a critical low-latency and high-throughput data storage solutions to modern apps.
What’s the basic tier for Azure Cache for Redis?
An Redis open-source (OSS Redis) cache running on a single VM. Has no service-level agreement (SLA).
Ideal for development/test and noncritical workload.
What’s the standard tier for Azure Cache for Redis?
an OSS Redis cache running on two VMs in a replicated configuration
What’s the Premium tier for Azure Cache for Redis?
High-performance OSS Redis caches. Offer higher throughput, lower latency, better availability, and more features.
Deployed on more powerful VMs compared to Basic and Standard caches.
Capable of hosting replica nodes in different availability zones.
What’s the Enterprise tier for Azure Cache for Redis?
High performance caches powered by Redis Labs’Redis Enterprise software. Support Redis modules including RediSearch, RedisBloom and RedisTimeSeries.
Offer higher availability than Premium tier.
Capable of hosting replica nodes in different availability zones.
What’s the Enterprise Flash tier for Azure Cache for Redis?
Cost-effective large caches powered by Redis Lab’s Redis Enterprise software.
Extends Redis data storage to nonvolatile memory, which is cheaper than DRAM on a VM. It reduces the overall per GB memory cost.
What’s the expire time resolution when applying a time to live (TTL) to a key in Redis?
1 millisecond
How does the Azure Content Delivery Network works?
- A user (Alice) requests a file (also called an asset) by using a URL with a special domain name, such as <endpoint> This name can be an endpoint hostname or a custom domain. The DNS routes the request to the best performing POP location, which is usually the POP that is geographically closest to the user.</endpoint>
- If no edge servers in the POP have the file in their cache, the POP requests the file from the origin server. The origin server can be an Azure Web App, Azure Cloud Service, Azure Storage account, or any publicly accessible web server.
- The origin server returns the file to an edge server in the POP.
- An edge server in the POP caches the file and returns the file to the original requestor (Alice). The file remains cached on the edge server in the POP until the time-to-live (TTL) specified by its HTTP headers expires. If the origin server didn’t specify a TTL, the default TTL is seven days.
- Additional users can then request the same file by using the same URL that Alice used, and can also be directed to the same POP.
- If the TTL for the file hasn’t expired, the POP edge server returns the file directly from the cache. This process results in a faster, more responsive user experience.
What’s a content delivery network (CDN)?
a distributed network of servers that can efficiently deliver web content to users.
What’s the default time-to-live (TTL) for large file optimizations?
One day
What’s the default time-to-live (TTL) for generalized web delivery optimizations?
One week
Which resources has subscription limitations that may impact your solution of using Azure Content Delivery Network?
the number of CDN profiles that can be created is limited by the type of Azure subscription.
What default limitations have each Azure subscription?
- No. of CDN profiles that can be created
- No of endpoints that can be created in a CDN profile
- No of custom domains that can be mapped to an endpoint.
What are the key features of Azure CDN?
- Dynamic site acceleration
- CDN caching rules
- HTTPS custom domain support
- Azure diagnostic logs
- File compression
- Geo filtering
What are the default time-to-live (TTL) for Azure CDN?
- Generalized web delivery optimizations: seven days
- Large file optimizations: one day
- Media streaming optimizations: one year
What does Geo-filtyering allow you to do?
allow or block content in specific countries/regions based on the country/region code.
What’s Application Insights?
an extension of Azure Monitor and provides Application Performance Monitoring (APM) features.
What does Appliation Insights monitor?
- Request rates, response time and failure rates; find out which pages are most popular/perform best
- Dependency rates, response time and failure rates; find out whether external services are slowing you down
- Exceptions
- Page views and load performance
(and more)
What are the ways to start monitoring and analyzing app performance?
- At run time; ideal for apps already deployed. Avoid update to the code
- At development time; add Application Insights to your code. Allow customization of telemetry collection and send more telemetry.
- Instrument your web page for page view, AJAX, and other client side telemetry
- Analyze mobile app usage by integrating with Visual Studio App Center
- Availability tests; ping ur website regularly from our server.
What can you do with Application Insights log-based metrics?
- Analyze the health of your monitored apps
- Create powerful dashboards
- Configure alerts
What are the two kinds of metrics?
- Log-based metrics
- Standard metrics
What’s different with standard and log-based metrics?
Standard metrics are pre-aggregated (collecting) during collection. Better perfomance at query time. Good for dashboarding and in real-time alerting.
Log-based metrics have more dimensions -> good for data analysis and ad-hoc diagnostics
How many availability tests can you create in Application Insights?
up to 100 availability tests per Application Insights resource.
What are the 3 types of availability tests?
- URL ping test (classic); validate whether an endpoint is responding and measure performance associated with that response. Can set custom success criteria coupled w/more advanced features (eg. parsing dependent reqs, allow retries)
- Standard test (preview); similar to URL ping test. Includes SSL certificate validity, proactive lifetime check, HTTP req verb (eg. GET, HEAD, POST), custom headers, custom data associated with ur HTTP req.
- Custom TrackAvailability test; For long term supported solution for multi req or authentication test scenarios.
What can you use Application Map for?
It helps u spot performance bottlenecks or failure hotspots across all components of ur distributed app.
Each node on the map represents an app component or its dependencies (has health KPI and alert status)
What are the API you can use from Application Insights API?
- TrackPageView: Used for pages, screens, forms
- TrackEvent: Used for user actions/other events. To track user behaviour or to monitor performance
- GetMetric: Used for zero/multidiminesional metrics, centrally configured aggregation, C# only.
- TrackMetric: Used for performance measurements such as queue lengths not related to specific events.
- TrackException: Used for logging exceptions for diagnosis. Trace where they occur in relation to other events and examine stack traces.
- TrackRequest: Used for logging the frequency and duration of server requests for performance analysis.
- TrackTrace: Use for resource diagnostic log messages. Can also capture third-party logs.
- TrackDependency: Used for logging the duration and frequency of calls to external cimponents that your app depends on.
What does the Application Insights methid GetMetric handle?
local pre-aggregation and then only submits an aggregated summary metric at a fixed interval of one minute.
What’s Azure Monitor?
helps you maximise the availability and performance of applications and services.
Which tool can you use to do a multi-step availability test (Application Insights) ?
Visual Studio allow you to create multi-step tests.
What authorization mechanism can be used for Application Insights?
instrumentation key, to upload telemetry from monitored apps to Application Insights