Monetary Policy Flashcards
State the monetary policies.
- Expansionary Monetary Policy (EMP)
- Contractionary Monetary Policy (CMP)
What components of AD does MP target?
C & I.
How does EMP work?
EMP lowers i/r or increase money supply to increase AD.
What macroeconomic problems do EMP solve?
When the economy experiences -ve EG and high unN during a recession.
How does EMP (lowering i/r) affect AD?
HH: EMP → lower i/r → decrease COB → HH incentivised to buy big ticket items such as cars, properties through loans → increase autonomous C → increase AD
HH: EMP → lower i/r → decrease returns on savings → encourage HH to save less, spend more (lower opp. cost on C) → increase autonomous C → increase AD
Firms: EMP → lower i/r → decrease COB → assuming constant EROR, MB (EROR) > MC (i/r) → firms invest more → increase I exp. → increase AD
Increasing money supply also leads to lower i/r.
How does EMP (lowering i/r) boost EG and reduce unN?
Increase in C & I → increase in AD
assuming economy operating below Yf → unplanned fall in inventories → firms increase production by hiring more FOP such as labour → HH receive more factor income → increase PP, increase induced C → further increase in AD, multiplied increase in RNY → increase EG, decrease DD-unN
How to implement CMP?
CMP increases i/r or reduces money supply to decrease AD.
What macroeconomic problems do CMP solve?
High inflationary pressures.
How does CMP impact AD?
HH: CMP → higher i/r → increase COB → HH discouraged to buy big ticket items such as cars, properties through loans → decrease autonomous C → decrease AD
HH: CMP → higher i/r → increase returns on savings → encourage HH to save more, spend less (higher opp. cost on C) → decrease autonomous C → decrease AD
Firms: CMP → higher i/r → increase COB → assuming constant EROR, MB (EROR) < MC (i/r) → firms invest less → decrease I exp. → decrease AD
Reducing money supply also leads to higher i/r.
How does CMP tackle inflation?
decrease in C & I → decrease AD → decrease GPL
assume economy near full employment → unplanned rise in inventories → firms decrease production by cutting back on FOP such as labour → jobs are lost, increase unN → more efficient factor combinations → decrease UCOP → GPL decreases, less inflationary pressure
How does CMP impact BOT?
This is not the main intention of CMP as CMP also leads to reduced SOL.
AD: CMP → higher i/r → increase COB → HH discouraged to buy big ticket items such as cars, properties through loans → decrease autonomous C → decrease AD → fall in RNY → decrease induced C of g&s including imports → DD for imports decreases → M decreases → (X-M) increases → BOT improves
State the points of evaluation of monetary policy.
- Interest rate sensitivity of C & I exp. (impt!)
- Size of multiplier.
- Size of domestic sector.
- Liquidity trap.
- Type of ex/r system.
Explain the evaluation made with i/r sensitivity of C & I exp in MP.
Explain the evaluation made with size of multiplier in MP.
How significant the increase in RNY would depend on size of multiplier which is dependent on MPW (MPS + MPT + MPM)
The smaller the MPW (or larger the MPCd), the larger the multiplier size will be, MP will be more significant in boosting EG using EMP
Only applicable to EMP (boosts EG)
Explain the evaluation made with size of domestic sector in MP.
- Size of domestic C & I as a % of GDP matters
- If size of domestic C and I is small, increase in AD when i/r decrease will not be significant, less effective policy
- i/r-centred monetary policy is more effective in economies where size of domestic sector is large.
Applicable to both EMP (during recession) & CMP (DD-pull inflation).
Explain the evaluation made with liquidity trap in MP.
Explain the evaluation made with the type of ex/r in MP.
Explain quantitative easing.
What is ex/r-centred MP?
Foreign ex/r policy is a policy centred on the management of the ex/r.
What components of AD does ex/r-centred MP target?
Which central banks have the option of conducting ex/r-centred MP?
ex/r-centred MP is possible in economies where a managed float ex/r system has been adopted.
CBs that wish to target ex/r cannot have independent i/r policies.
How does ex/r-centred MP (by weakening currency) impact BOT?
CB sells more SGD for foreign currency → weakening currency
Exports cheaper in foreign currency → DD for exports increase, X increase
Imports more expensive in local currency → Qd of imports decrease as consumers switch to domestically produced g&s → M decrease if |PEDm|>1
(X-M) increase → BOT improves, reduces trade deficit
How does ex/r-centred MP (by weakening currency) impact EG?
CB sells more SGD for foreign currency (acts as a local) → SS of ex/r increase → depreciate → weakening currency
Exports cheaper in foreign currency → DD for exports increase, X increase
Imports more expensive in local currency → Qd of imports decrease as consumers switch to domestically produced g&s → M decrease if |PEDm|>1
(X-M) increase → AD increase → RNY increases by multiple folds via multiplier effect → boosts EG
How does ex/r-centred MP impact unN?
CB sells more SGD for foreign currency → weakening currency
Exports cheaper in foreign currency → DD for exports increase, X increase
Imports more expensive in local currency → Qd of imports decrease as consumers switch to domestically produced g&s → M decrease if |PEDm|>1
(X-M) increase → AD increase → AD, RNY increases by multiple folds via multiplier effect → firms increase output by hiring more FOP such as labour → decrease DD-unN
How does ex/r-centred MP impact DD-pull inflation?
CB buys more SGD using foreign currency (acts as a foreigner) → DD of ex/r increase → appreciate → strengthening currency
Exports more expensive in foreign currency → DD for exports decrease, X decrease
Imports cheaper in local currency → Qd of imports increase as consumers switch to foreign produced g&s → M increase if |PEDm|>1
(X-M) decrease → AD decrease → assuming economy operating near Yf → decrease GPLCB sells more SGD for foreign currency → SS of ex/r increase → depreciate → weakening currency
Exports cheaper in foreign currency → DD for exports increase, X increase
Imports more expensive in local currency → Qd of imports decrease as consumers switch to domestically produced g&s → M decrease if |PEDm|>1
(X-M) increase → AD increase → firms reduce production, cut back on FOPs such as labour → UCOP decrease → GPL decrease → decrease in DD-pull inflationary pressure
How does ex/r-centred MP impact cost-push inflation?
CB buys more SGD using foreign currency (acts as a foreigner) → DD of ex/r increase → appreciate → strengthening currency
Exports more expensive in foreign currency → DD for exports decrease, X decrease
Imports cheaper in local currency → Qd of imports increase as consumers switch to foreign produced g&s → M increase if |PEDm|>1
imported inputs cheaper in local currency → decrease UCOP → increase AS → decrease GPL → decrease cost-push inflation due to imported inflation
State the points of evaluation for ex/r-centred MP.
- PED for imports and exports
- Presence of spare capacity in economy
- Nature of economy
- Causes and mix of macroeconomic problems
- Retaliation by other countries
- Capital flight
Explain the evaluation made with PED of imports and exports in ex/r-centred MP.
Explain the evaluation made with presence of spare capacity in ex/r-centred MP.