Monetaries Policy and Exchange Rate Flashcards
Rising Confidence in Boversia (graph)(imaginary country)
what relationship capture the Phillips curve?
- output affect inflation
Rising Confidence and Output Stabilization (graph)
Effects on Components of Spending (graph)
Exchange Rate Policies and Their Pitfalls (graph)
A Domestic Shock and Output Stabilization (graph)
Definition of Foreign exchange interventions by the central bank:
- purchases and sales of foreign currencies by central banks
Definition of International reserves by the central bank:
- liquid assets held by central banks that are denominated in foreign currencies
Foreign Exchange Interventions and International Reserves (order)(graph)
Interventions and the Exchange Rate (graph)
Why the central bank intervene in the exchange rate?
The motive for foreign exchange interventions is to escape this dilemma. Interventions allow policymakers to stabilize output and the exchange rate at the same time.
Do exchange rate intervation work ? (againts it)
- Yes, but little and/or unreliable
- The size of interventions suggests that the shifts are slight and the effects on exchange rates are small.
- Interventions can’t offset major shocks such as capital flight, as we’ve assumed up to now.
Do exchange rate intervation work ? (in favor)
- Yet not all economists dismiss interventions.
- Some suggest that interventions can change exchange rates even if they are small
- Interventions signal central banks’ desire to adjust exchange rates (Expectations of future exchange rate movements affect current rates.)
- trigger self-fulfilling expectations
- Fatum and Hutchinson (University of California) concluded that interventions do influence exchange rates.
Definitions of Capital controls:
- Regulations that restrict capital inflows or outflows
Capital Controls and the Exchange Rate (graph)(effects)