Monarchy to Mid-Republic Flashcards
What Roman author was born in 280 BC, and came to Rome in 272 BC from Tarentum in the entourage of Livius Salinator, working as a slave and grammaticus?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
When was Livius Andronicus born?
280 BC
When did Livius Andronicus come to Rome from Tarentum?
272 BC
From what location did Livius Andronicus come to Rome in 272 BC?
In whose entourage did Livius Andronicus come to Rome with in 272 BC?
Livius Salilnator
What two jobs did Livius Andronicus have when he first came to Rome from Tarentum, in 272 BC?
A slave and grammaticus
What Roman author put on the first dramatic work in Rome, a tragedy and comedy, in 240 BC?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
In what year did Livius Andronicus put on the first dramatic work in Rome, a tragedy and comedy?
240 BC
Livius Andronicus’ first dramatic work of Rome, in 240 BC, featured what two genres?
Tragedy and Comedy
What Roman author composes a Partheneion (girls-song) in honor of Juno in 207 BC, to perform in public at a religious ceremony?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
Livius Andronicus composes this “girls-song” in honor of Juno in 207 BC to perform in public at a religious ceremony
Livius Andronicus’ Partheneion can be literally translated to what?
In honor of what deity did Livius Andronicus compose a Partheneion in 207 BC?
In what year did Livius Andronicus compose his Partheneion for Juno?
207 BC
What Latin author’s professional association as installed in the temple of Minerva on the Aventine: the collegium scribarum histronumque?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
In what temple, on what hill of Rome was the collegium scribarum histrionumque, Livius Andronicus’ professional association, installed?
Temple of Minerva; Aventine Hill
What was the name of Livius Andronicus’ professional association, installed in the temple of Minerva on the Aventine hill?
Collegium scribarum histrionumque
What Latin author wrote the Odyssia, a translation of the Odyssey in Saturnian Meter?
Livius Andronicus
What work did Livius Andronicus write, a translation of the Odyssey in Saturnian Meter?
Livius Andronicus’ Odyssia was a translation of what work in Saturnian Meter?
The Odyssey
Livius Andronicus’ Odyssia was written in what meter?
Saturnian Meter
Virum mihi camena insece was the first line of what work, and by what Latin author?
Odyssia, by Livius Andronicus
What was the first line of Livius Andronicus’ Odyssia?
Virum mihi camena insece
What work, which Cicero regarded as “antiquated”, was a translation of the Odyssey and written by Livius Andronicus?
What Latin author and orator viewed Livius Andronicus’ Odyssia as “antiquated”?
Marcus Tullius Cicero
What Latin author wrote the following tragedies:
War Tragedies, like: Achilles, Aegisthus, Ajax Mastigophorus, Equos Troianus, Heriona
Regular Tragedies, like: Andromeda, Danae, Tereus?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
What Latin author wrote Trojan war tragedies, including: Achilles, Ajax Mastigophorus, and Hermoina?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
What Latin author wrote Trojan war tragedies, including: Aegisthus and Equos Troianus?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
What Latin author wrote tragedies including: Danae, Andromeda, and Tereus?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
Of what Latin author’s tragedies do we slightly have more then 20 fragments and 40 verses total?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
How many fragments and verses respectively do we have of Livius Andronicus’ tragedies?
20 fragments; 40 verses
What Latin author wrote only one fabulae praetextae named Gladiolus, or “Little Saber”?
Lucius Livius Andronicus
What was the only fabulae praetextae written by Livius Andronicus?
Gladiolus or “Little Saber”
Livius Andronicus’ Gladiolus is an example of what type of fabulae?
Fabulae Praetextae
What Latin author lived from 270-201 BC?
Gnaeus Naevius
How long did Gnaeus Naevius live?
270-201 BC
What Latin author of Campanian origin fought in the Second Punic War?
Gnaeus Naevius
Naevius was born in what Roman province?
In what war did Naevius fight in?
Second Punic War
Alii adnutat, alii adnictat, alium amat, alium tenet comes from what work, by what author?
Tarentilla by Gnaeus Naevius
What work by Naevius is literally translated to “flirt”?
What Latin author attacked the Metelli and was imprisoned, writing works like Leon and Ariolus from there?
Gnaeus Naevius
What two works did Naevius write while in prison?
Leon and Ariolus
Naevius was imprisoned because of attacking what famous family?
What work by Naevius includes a fragment on how to entertain guests from Praeneste and Lanuvium, called a togatae?
Naevius’ Ariolus includes a togatae on how to entertain guests from what two cities?
Praeneste and Lanuvium
What Latin author wrote that the Metelli were consuls in Rome because of fate/luck rather than skill?
Gnaeus Naevius
To what Latin author did the Metelli say: *Dabunt malum Metelli ______ poetae”?
Gnaeus Naevius (The blank was Naevio)
What Latin author was exiled to Utica?
Gnaeus Naevius
To what city was Naevius exiled?
What Latin author dies in Utica, where he was exiled by the Metelli, in 201 BC?
Gnaeus Naevius
In what city does Naevius die, in 201 BC?
What Latin author composed Bellum Punicum in Saturnian meter, involving both tales of Aeneas and the First Punic War?
Gnaeus Naevius
What work did Naevius compose in Saturnian meter, involving tales of Aenas and the First Punic War?
Bellum Punicum
In what meter was Bellum Punicum composed?
Saturnian meter
What work was divided into 7 books by Lampadio in 165 BC?
Bellum Punicum
What grammarian divided Bellum Punicum into 7 books, in 165 BC?
In what year was Bellum Punicum divided into 7 books by the grammarian Lampadio?
165 BC
Into how many books was Naevius’ Bellum Punicum divided into by Lampadio, in 165 BC?
What Latin author wrote two fabulae praetextae: Romulus (The Wolf) and Clastidium?
Gnaeus Naevius
Name both of Naevius’ fabulae praetextae
Romulus (The Wolf), Clastidium
Naevius’ works Romulus (The Wolf) and Clastidium were both examples of what type of fabulae?
Fabulae Praetextae
What work by Naevius involves Marcellus’ victory against the Insubrian Gauls in 222 BC, a fabula praetexta?
What work by Naevius involves Rome’s foundation and Amulius (Romulus’ grand-uncle), a fabula praetexta?
Romulus or Romulus (The Wolf)
What Latin author wrote fabulae cothurnatae including: *Hector Proficiscens, Iphigenia, Equos Troianus, and Danae?
Gnaeus Naevius
Hector Proficiscens, Iphegenia, Equos Troianus and Danae are all examples of what kind of fabulae?
Fabulae Cothurnatae
Name all 4 fabulae cothurnatae written by Naevius
Hector Proficiscens, Iphegenia, Equos Troianus, Danae
What Latin author wrote comedies such as fabula togata and fabula palliata, including Colax, Guminasticus, Corollaria, and Dolus?
Gnaeus Naevius
What two types of fabulae were comedies; one being in a Roman setting, the other in Greek?
Fabula Togata and Fabula Palliata respectively
Name at least two comedies written by Naevius
Colax, Guminasticus, Corollaria, Dolus, etc.
What Latin author wrote on his tombstone:
Immortales mortals si foret fas flere/flerent divae Camenae Naevium poetam./Itaque postquamst Orchi traditus thesauro, obliti sunt Romae loquier lingua latina.
Essentially translating to: “The Muses will bewail him at his death, and Romans will forget how to speak Latin.”?
Gnaeus Naevius
According to his tombstone, what group of creatures would bewail Naevius’ death?
The Muses
According to his tombstone, what would happen to the Romans after Naevius died?
Romans would forget how to speak Latin