Monarchy Flashcards
High regard
Vysoky respekt
Public persona
Safe and sound
Bezpecne a zdrave
Younger generation
Mladá generacia
Waste of money
Mrhanie penazi
Behavior, misbehaviour
Správanie, nesprávne správanie
Long live the Quenn
…from my point of view it’s fine
Awful lot of people
Strašne vela ludi
It’s long journey
Je to dlhá cesta
They are strangers
Sú cudzinci
They seem to be very important
Pack it all in
To stop doing something
To quit [kwit] ukoncit
To quit [kwit]
by virtue of (paragraph1…)
Sila, moc, statočnosť, účinnosť, právna sila
Znpiverenia, z titulu, podľa (paragrafu)
Through the night
The people wait silent and patient
Počas noci
They are not dressed.
Nie su sviatocne obleceni
They give to the king
Vzdávajú úctu kráľovi
Flawless replica
Perfect or without mistakes
George VI died and he lay in state
zomrel a bol vystavený na podstavci
What matters is that being here in the queue…
Na com záleží je byt tu v rade…