Momentrix Flashcards
Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM). It measures a patient’s ability to pronounce 66 common medical words and lay terms for body parts
and illnesses by asking them to read 3 lists with 5 sec per word.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHS). Visual data source, annual stats for past decade.
Innovations Exchange has Evi-based approaches
Program to Analyze, Record, and Track Networks to Enhance Relationship. Monitor partnerships.
- create visuals showing connections
- assess network scores/measures on relationships
- assess outcomes measures/show achievements
Bridge Transition Model
The Bridges Transition Model helps organizations and individuals understand and more effectively manage and work through the personal and human side of change. The model identifies the three stages an individual experiences during change: Ending What Currently Is, The Neutral Zone and The New Beginning.
In the initial stage, focus on listening to people.
The neutral stage is where you provide support and guidance.
The last stage you celebrate change and reward people.
Types of Needs
Perceived: pop believes they’re necessary
Expressed: can be observed
Actual: inferred by comparing like populations
Normative: discrepancy between one pop and another- between current status and “norm”
Marketing Process
- Analyze the situation
- select appropriate approaches and determine marketing’s role
- select goals and objectives
- segment and select priority populations
Types of Analyses
Descriptive: past, describe
Prescriptive: how present affects future (if, then)
Inferential: make inferences about overall pop from sample, test hypothesis
Predictive: forecasting from past (data mining during data collection used here)
Types of NGOs
Voluntary: AHA, ACS, etc
Philanthropic: Ford Foundation, Rockefeller
Fraternal, religious, and service orgs: Shriners, Salvation Army, Lions
Professional health assocs: Amer Academy of Health Behavior
Media literacy steps
Empowerment Spiral
- awareness - explore media sources by accessing info through them
- analysis of messages (compare/contrast)
- reflection to evaluate implicit and explicit messages
- reaction/action - use media devices to convene priority population
Kotter’s 8 step change model
- establish urgency for change (75% of key staff should feel org change needed)
- form coalition
- create a vision
- communicate vision
- empower others
- plan visible performance improvements
- consolidate improvements to increase the credibility and facilitate more change
- institutionalize changes
eliminate defects in processes
Heavy emphasis on data collection.
2 methods:
- DMAIC for existing process (define, measure, analyze, improve, control)
- DMADV for developing new one (define, measure, analyze, design, verify)
How often to update SoMe
If 3500 followers, 1-5x/month
More than 60k update frequently
Current research says daily unless over 10k, then 2x/day
Ethical principles
Equity (demand and supply)
Veracity - accuracy/truth-telling
statement of work
used to ensure consultant understands specific tasks and timeline
- include purpose, payment schedule, standards and deliverables
Boolean operators
used in databases
AND contains both/all
OR contains one or the other
NOT would eliminate documents
Joint Committee on Standards
for Educational Evaluation
Developed 4 standards for prog eval used in CDC framework
Utility - stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs
Feasibility - increase evaluation effectiveness and efficiency
Propriety - proper, fair, legal, right and just
Accuracy - dependability and truthfulness of evaluation representations, propositions, and findings, especially those that support interpretations and judgments about quality
outcome chain
identify long and short term outcomes leading to goal attainment.
Look at diff types of responses expected from program:
response (feedback) > knowledge > behavior > outcomes (improvements) > goals (benefits/evident results)
readability index
- count number of words and sentences in passage (100 words long)
- ASL = avg sentence length
- count 3+ syllable words
- PHW = percent hard words (out of total words)
- add ASL + PHW times 0.4 to approx. grade level
Root causes of racial and ethnic disparities
Prevention Institute
- societal (poverty, health illiteracy, education, econ, racism)
- environmental (unsafe, toxins, access issues, community norms)
- individual/beh (lifestyle choices)
- medical care (access, quality, cultural competency)
Program Eval and Review Technique (timeline for programs)
4 time estimates:
Optimistic - shortest time it could be done
Pessimistic - longest
Most likely - highest probability timeframe
Expected = (OT + 4 times MLT + PT)/6
feasibility study
identify factors that may interfere with implementation
including funding, resources, policies
health impact assessment. To determine potential health effects of a possible program.
carry out before development or implementation. Beforehand, screen to determine if need HIA and what health effects to consider - look at both benefits and risks so you can dev recs to increase + and minimize -.
Cultural Competence “Steps”
- awareness of your beliefs about various cultures
- acquire knowledge to understand other cultures and how they view themselves
- develop and maintain cross-cultural skills to apply to pop
Lecture attention span
12 to 20 min
Info in URLs
Uniform Resource Locator - if it belongs to individual - publisher - using commercial hosting space (weebly) - domains NOT whether it is safe or valid
Dispersion v skew v kurtosis
Quant data.
Dispersion = variability of data
Skew = symmetrical pattern of data
Kurtosis = peakedness/sharpness of peak
govt site
health tools, links to other sites, assistance with finding services and info.
good for participants - ensures that only reliable web sites are viewed.
Healthy People 2020
Managed by HHS. 30+ years
Inc. topics = cancer, chronic kidney dx, HIV, arthritis, weight, heart dx.
New topics = adolescent health, early and mid childhood, older adults, sleep health, HAIs, global health, dementia
Key areas = social and communication context (incarceration, social cohesion, discrim/equity), econ stability (housing, poverty, employment, food), health and health care (access and literacy), neighborhood and built enviro(access to food, housing, crime & violence)