Molluscs Flashcards
Characteristics of Molluscs
- 200,000 species
- More species in ocean than any other animal group - Soft body enclosed by calcium carbonate shell
- Body covered by mantle
- Thin layer of tissue that secretes the shell - Occupy all marine environments – rocky shores to hydrothermal vents
Mollusca Structure
- Displays Bilateral Symmetry
- Ventral muscular foot used for locomotion
- Most had have that includes eyes and other sensory organs
- Some have radula
- Ribbon of small teeth used to rasp food from surfaces
- Made of chitin - Have paired gills
- Portion of body may be coiled and asymmetrical
*Class Gastropoda
deposit feeders
- stomach foot (most common mollusks)
- Snails, limpets, abalone, and nudibranchs.
- 75,000 spp.
- Most use _____ to scrape algae
- Mud snails are ______ _______
- Whelks, oyster drills, and cone shells are ______ that prey on clams, oysters, worms,
and small fishes
- Modified Radula to drill and rasp prey
*Gastropod - Nudibranchs (sea slugs)
- No shell
- Colorful branches of the gut and gills
- Prey on sponges and other invertebrates
- Produce noxious chemicals or retain undischarged ___________ taken undigested from prey
*Class Bivalvia
filter feed
- Clams, mussels, and oysters
- Body laterally compressed and enclosed with two parts (valves)
- No head or radula
- Gills expanded and folded used to obtain ____, and filter and sort food particles from water
- Scallops also _____ _____. Many have striking color patters.
- Inner surface of shell lined w/ mantle so whole body lies in mantle cavity
- Strong muscles used to close valves
- Clams burrow in sand or mud and water drawn in and out of mantle by ____
- Allow clam to feed and obtain oxygen while buried
byssal threads
Class Bivalvia: Mussels secrete ___________ that attach them to rocks and other surfaces
Class Bivalvia: Oysters cement their ____ shell to hard surface and other to another oyster
- Pearls occur when irritating particles are lodged within the mantle cavity and
covered by secretions (______) from oyster
Class Bivalvia: Some scallops can swim by rapidly ejecting water from mantle cavity with _______.
calcium carbonate and siphon
- Shipworm bores in ________, driftwood, and pilings
- Have ______ relationship w/ bacteria in the gut that digests wood
- Valves lie at the inner end of tunnel lined w/ _______ _______ and _______
protrudes from entrance - ________ organism = settles on bottoms of boats, pilings, and other submerged
*Class Cephalopoda (head footed)
- Predators specialized in _______
- Octopi, squid, and cuttlefish
- Agile swimmers w/ complex nervous system and reduction or _____of shell
- All are marine
Class Cephalopoda General Morphology
muscular mantle
jet propulsion
- Large eyes on side of head
- Thick ______ ______ which protects head
- Water enters mantel and leaves through siphon = ____ ________
*Cephalopod: Octopi
beak-like jaws and radula
ink sac
Eight long arms (2 in to 30 feet)
_______ dwellers that live in crevices, bottles, etc
Have _____-_____ jaws and _______ to rasp flesh and secrete paralyzing substance
Distract predators with dark fluid from ____ ____
*Cephalopod: Squid
- Two _______ fins on mantle – better swimmers than octopi
- Can remain ______, move forward, or backward
- Eight arms and _____ tentacles, all with suckers
- Has ____ in upper surface of mantle
- Few cm to 60 feet
*Cephalopod: Cuttlefish
- _____ arms and two tentacles, but body _______ w/ fin running along the body
- Have calcified internal shell aids in __________
*Cephalopod: Chambered Nautilus
- Coiled external shell containing ____ filled chambers serves as ________ organ
- Has _______ tentacles