Molecules and Mechanisms E1 Flashcards
from sea urchin egg jelly coat, binds to a receptor on sperm to lead it to egg.
Receptor guanyl cyclase, what resact binds to. forms intracellular cGMP in sperm
in sea urchin sperm, opens calcium channels in cell membrane to let Calcium enter sperm
fucose sulfate
a sulfated card that binds to receptor on sperm to initiate acrosomal reaction. The receptor it binds to acivates sperm membrane proteins
Three mechanisms activated in sperm during acrosomal reaction
- Calcium transport channel that lets calcium enter sperm head
- Na/H pump that lets Na in and H out
- IP3 phospholipase enzyme releases calcium from inside sperm
Two effects of calcium increase in acrosomal reaction of sea urchin
- fusion of acrosomal membrane with adjacent sperm cell membrane to release digestive enzymes
- activates protein RhoB to make acrosomal process
GTP-bdinging protein in sperm that polymerizes actin to make the acrosomal process. Activated by IP3
acrosomal membrane protein of sperm that recognizes and binds to surface of egg
Bindin receptor organized in complexes on vitelline envelop of egg
Calcium source for cortical granule reacton
calcium comes from the ER of the egg cell and is self-propagating
- In sperm, releases calcium to fuse acrosomal membrane with sperm cell membrane (and release digestive enzymes); activate protein RhoB to make acrosomal process
- In egg, releases Calcium from ER. Made from PIP2 being split by enzyme PLC
Found in egg cell, split by PLC to make DAG and IP3
splits PIP2 to make DAG and IP3 for the cortical granule reaction. y-PLC is activated by an Src family of protein kinases in cortical cytoplasm
Src protein kinases
found in cortical cytoplasm of egg, activate y-PLC to generate IP3 and DAG by splitting PIP2. Activated by G proteins
G proteins
found in cortex of egg, serve to activate Src kinases, which activate PLC for inducing cortical granule reaction
2 effects of sperm binding/fusion to egg cell membrane
- Sodium influx
- Kinase stimulation
Role of Sodium in fertilization of sea urchins
causes a change in egg membrane potential and leads to fast block to polyspermy
Role of kinase stimulation from sperm binding to egg membrane
activates PLC, which does lots of things
2 Roles of PLC in fertilization
- IP3 production to release Calcium
- Diacylglycerol production to increase intracellular pH
Role of diacylglycerol in sea urchin fertilization
activates protein kinase C, which leads to Na/H pump exchange and increase in pH
Protein Kinase C
found in egg, activated by diacylglycerol, leads to exchange of Na/H. Increase in Na ionsin cell causes rise in pH
Role of increase in pH in fertilization
together with Calcium increase, stimulates new DNA and protein synthesis
influx of K+ in mammalian sperm
leads to hyperpolarization of sperm membrane potential
soluble adenyl cyclase
in mammalian sperm, activated by increase in Calcium and bicarbonate in sperm. Makes cAMP from AMP
activates protein kinase A
activated by rise in cAMP in mammalian sperm, leads to activation of protein tyrosine kinases and inihibition of PTP - phosphotryrosine phosphatase
leads to capacitation of mammalian sperm
protein in sperm that has a slight bond to zona pellucida
glycoprotein in zona pellucida of mammalian egg that binds to sperm and leads to acrosomal reaction by causing calcium-mediated exocytosis of acrosomal vesicle
Cyclin B
contributes to biphasic cell cycle of cells. Makes up MPF. Synthesis of it allows progression to Mitosis, while degradation allows cells to pass to synthesis phase
mitosis-promoting factor. Highest during mitosis, but can’t find it during synthesis. Shift in phases of cell cycle is driven by gain and loss of this molecule’s activity.
Made of cyclin B and cyclin-dependent kinase
leads to rapid, synchronous cell divisions
Order of sea urchin first 3 cleavages
meridional, meridional, equatorial
Otx and B-catenin
activate Pmar1 gene in cleavage. These are maternal cytoplsm-derived Transcription regualtors that are inherited by micromeres
Pmar1 genee
repressed HesC, which is also a repressor. Activated by Otx and B-catenin, which are concentrated in vegetal pole of egg cell.
molecules involved in double-negaive gated micruit for micromere specification
Otx, B-catenin, Pmar1, HesC, genes Alx1, Thr, Etx, Delta
repressor of genes involved in mircomere specification: Alx1, Thr, Ets, Delta
prevents formation of skeletoal mesenchyme cells in micromeres
double-negative gated circuit in veg2 cell
In veg2, this circuit is broken because Pmar1 not activated, so HesC represses skeletogenic genes
Skeletogenic mesenchyme cells
- cells specified to autonomously ingress into blastocoal and become skeleton of sea urchin
- also induce neighbors to become endoderm and non-skeletogenic mesenchyme cells (pigment; coelom cells)
Dishevled and B-catenin
found in cytoplasm, inherited by micromeres at fourth celavage. these are the initial regulatory inputs for micromeres
prevents degradation of B-Catenin in micromeres and macromeres. it is located in the vegetal cortex
B-catenin role in cleavage
- specifies micromeres. accumulates in cells fated to be endoderm and mesoderm and causes them to develop autonomously.
- Specifies the vegetal half of the egg
Blimp1 and Wnt 8
form a positive feedback loop to make more B-catenin. Blimp1 is also activated by Otx adn maternal B-catenin
ES (early signal)
- inducing signal of micromeres that is controlled by Pmar1 and HesC
- instructs other cells to be endo/mesoderm and can also establsh second axis when micromeres are transplanted to animal region of the embryo