Molecular Regulation of Development Flashcards
Transcription factors
– Proteins with domains that bind to promoter or enhancer regions & domains that interacts with RNA polymerase II – Regulates the amount of mRNA that the gene produces
Signaling molecules
– Paracrine signaling or interactions: proteins secreted by one cell diffuse over a short distance to interact with another cell(s) – Includes the signaling molecule (ligand) and the receptor – A large proportion can be grouped as growth and differentiation factors (GDFs)
Homeodomain Proteins (transcription factors)
Proteins with highly conserved homeodomain of 60 amino acids, which is a type of helix-loop-helix region (3 alpha-helices)
- A homeobox is a DNA sequence found within genes
that are involved in the regulation of patterns of
anatomical development (morphogenesis)
Hox genes (or HOX genes)
• Play prominent role in
segmentation of the body
• Spatiotemporal
expression proceeds
according to remarkably
regular roles
• Genes are activated &
expressed in strict
sequence in the 3’ to 5’
• 3’ genes are expressed
earlier/more anteriorly
than 5’ genes (later/more
• Primary function in setting up structures along the
main body axis.
• Regulation is complex
• Major regulator is retinoic acid (Vitamin A)
What does Paralogous mean?
Genes related
by duplication within a
genome. They evolve new
functions, even if these
are related to the original
What are Hox gene mutations related to?
Hox gene mutations related to ribs and
What is Pax Gene Family?
• All Pax proteins contain paired domain of 128 amino acids
which binds to DNA.
• Plays a critical role in the formation of tissues and
organs during embryonic development.
• The PAX gene family is also important for maintaining
the normal function of certain cells after birth.
• Display a variety of important roles in developing nervous
system/sense organs
• Outside CNS, involved in cellular differentiative processes
when epithelial-mesenchyme transitions occur.
What is Aniridia?
PAX gene disorder.
• Eye disorder characterized by a complete or partial absence of
the colored part of the eye (the iris).
• Caused by mutations in the PAX6 gene. The PAX6 gene provides
instructions for making a protein that is involved in the early
development of the eyes, CNS, and the pancreas.
What are Lim Proteins?
• Large family of homeodomain proteins
• Some bind to DNA in nucleus; others are localized in the
• Involved in formation of virtually all body segments
• Absence of certain Lim proteins results in development of
headless mammalian embryos.
What are Dlx genes?
• Important role in patterning of outgrowing appendages in
early embryogenesis
• Also involved in morphogenesis of the jaws and inner
What are Msx genes?
• Prenatally – general inhibitors of cell differentiation
• Postnatally – maintain proliferative capacity of tissues
• Involved in epithelial- mesenchymal interactions in face &
What is T-box (Tbx ) Gene Family?
• Named for brachyury (T) locus (causes short tails in heterozygous mice), Brakhus = short; ouras =
• Found in all bilaterians & cnidaria (corals, jellyfish)
• Important in mesodermal germ layer development
• Also important in specifying whether limbs will be forelimb or hindlimb
(Basic) Helix-Loop-Helix
Transcription Factors
• 2 alpha-helices separated by a
short amino acid loop with adjacent basic regions.
• In general, transcription factors including this domain are
dimeric, each with one helix containing basic amino acid
residues that facilitate DNA binding.
• This configuration is common in transcription factors that
regulate myogenesis (formation of muscle tissue).
What is Forkhead (Fox) Gene Family?
• Another large family of transcription factors (> 100)
• Regulate the expression of genes involved in cell
growth, proliferation, differentiation & longevity
• Have “pioneering transcription activity’ by being able
to bind condensed chromatin during cell
• Defining feature is the forkhead box (winged helix)
Fox genes are expressed in many
developing organs. They tend to
have microscopically distinct
domains within an organ & can
work together to to direct
What are Transcription Factors: Zinc
Finger Proteins?
• Proteins with regularly placed cystidine & histidine
units bound by zinc ions
• Factors that regulate myogenesis
• Configuration causes polypeptide chain to pucker and
to produce fingerlike structures.
• These fingers’ can be inserted into specific regions in
the DNA helix.
• Implicated in bone, cartilage, or tooth development
• Zinc deficiency is known to result in skeletal growth
retardation and has been identified as a risk factor in
the pathogenesis of osteoporosis