Molecular Mechanics Flashcards
Molecular Geometry
The relative positions of atoms of a molecule in space
A set {R}eq where the potential energy surface has a local minima
Molecular Mechanics (MM)
The use of classical mechanics to describe the potential energy surface
- very fast compared to QM methods
- popular for large molecules, where QM methods would be too costly (time, RAM, diskspace)
Classical Mechanics
Since the PES does not contain rotational or translational energy for vibrational motion, the classical harmonic oscillators are good starting models
F(x) = -kx
U(x) = (1/2)kx^2
How is an MM model defined?
By it’s force field: the set of chosen equations for:
- bond stretching
- valence angle bending
- torsions
- van der waals interactions
- electrostatic interactions
as well as the parameters in these equations
Choosing values for these parameters
This is done by minimizing the errors that the force field makes in trying to reproduce a set of experimentally well-defined data (training set)
eg. if FF is trained on data from amides/esters, it will work well for amides/esters but not as well for azides
What is the accuracy of a force field linked to?
The training set used for parametrization
Geometry Optimization
An iterative procedure for finding equilibrium and transition-state geometries of molecules
Popular MM methods
MM works well for equilibrium properties of molecules which are similar to those of the ‘training set’ used for that particular MM’s original parametrization