Molecular Ecology Flashcards
What is “coalescent theory”?
Coalescent theory concerns the tracing of allelic ancestries back to their point of coalescence, that is to the time of their most recent common ancestor
Which factors determine the time to common ancestry?
- The size of the population
- Rates of migration
- Change in population size
Which factors interact to cause non-uniform nucleotide substitutions rates among lineages?
- Body size
- Generation times
- Population size
- Metabolic rate
What is the “effective population size”?
Effective population size is the number of individuals in an idealized, randomly mating population with an equal sex ratio that would exhibit the same rate of heterozygosity loss over time as an actual population with a particular census (total adult number) size.
How can one estimate the effective population size?
- One such approach is to compare the change en allele frequencies within a population between generations.
- Ne can can be estimated by using models based on coalescent theory when the divergence times of populations are known.
- Ne is proportional to the rate at which genetic diversity is lost or gained.
Why is an excess of heterozigosity an indicator of a possible bottleneck?
Rare alleles are lost more rapidly than heterozigosity during bottlenecks, generating heterozygosity excess because most heterozygosity is contributed by common alleles, whereas the converse is true during rapid population growth.
What is a bottleneck?
Bottlenecks are significant declines in effective population size and may be temporary or permanent.
Considering a bottleneck, why is there a more serious consequence after a rapid fall than from a gradual one in the long-term?
This is because slow changes allow natural selection to continue purging deleterious alleles, whereas a sudden loss of individuals can result in the subsequent fixation of damaging alleles by chance
What is the relation between effective population size and genetic diversity?
The effective size of a real biological population is proportional to the rate at which genetic diversity is lost or gained - if one obtains a measure of this rate in a real biological population, the effective size of that population is equal to the size of an ideal Fisher-Wright population that losses or gains genetic diversity at exactly that rate.
Does the effective size of a population correlate with the expected intervals between coalescent events?
YES! (Large city vs. small town example)
How can one expect a genealogy from a growing population to be? And from a declining population?
One can expect a tree with long terminal branches and shorter internal branches from a growing population, compared to a genealogy from a constant-sized population.
In a declining population, coalescent events tend to occur with greater rapidity, but as one moves past a series of coalescence backwards in time, population sizes grow ever larger and, concomitantly, coalescence intervals get longer.
What is the “island model” of migration?
The island model of migration breaks the population into subpopulations or ‘demes’, with migration of individuals between demes.
What is the stepping-stone model of migration?
The stepping-stone model of migration, is a type of island model, where demes are arrange linearly or in a two-dimensional grid, and migration only takes place between neighboring demes.
What is “gene flow”?
Gene flow means the movement of genes, mediated by individual organisms or their gametes, between subpopulations.
How can one detect gene flow between populations?
By using Allele frequency data, which permit inferences of gene flow between populations, ultimately based on the level of disturbance migration causes to Hardy Weinberg equilibrium expectations.
What is “Nm”?
The average number of successfully reproducing migrants per generation moving between subpopulations, and it is calculated by:
Nm = 1/4 (1/Fst-1) (in diploid organisms)
What is isolation by distance?
Is the correlation between migration rate and geographical distance between pairs of subpopulations, and is a useful method fir assessing whether subpopulations are in equilibrium or have recently become fully isolated.
What can one expect if there exists isolation by distance?
One can expect a correlation between Fst value and geographical distance. Fst value increases with geographical distances.
How can one identify a immigrant in a population?
Assignment tests begin by determining the expected frequency of a potentials migrant’s genotype in each possible source population, based on the allele frequencies in those populations.
What is phylogeography?
Phylogeography is the field of study concerned with the principles and processes governing the geographical distribution of genealogical lineages, especially those at the intraspecific level.
What are the effects of genetic drift and gene flow in a population?
Genetic drift promotes genetic differentiation among populations whereas gene flow has the opposite effect.
Which are the most useful measures of genetic diversity?
- Mean # of alleles per locus
- % of polymorphic loci
- Mean heterozygosity (most widely used)
What is the “observed heterozygosity” (Ho)?
Ho is the mean proportion of loci for which an individual is heterozygous.
What is the “expected heterozygosity” (He)?
He is the proportion of expected from allele frequencies in the sample and assuming the population is in H-W equilibrium
What types of F-statistics exist?
- Fis, relates individuals to populations
- Fit, relates individuals to to the total population
- Fst, relates subpopulations to the total population
To what can be the loss of heterozygosity attributed?
- Genetic drift
2. Inbreeding
By Which processes genetic variation is created?
- Mutation
2. Recombination
Errors in DNA replication can lead to nucleotide substitutions if one nucleotide is replace by another. These can be of two types:
- Transitions, which involve changes between either purines (A,C) or pyramidines (T,G)
- Transversions, in which a purine is change by a pyramidine or vice versa
Which demographic influences exist on Effective Population Size?
- Sex Ratios: uneven sex ratios cause Ne to be 36% lower than census population sizes
- Variation on reproductive success: even if sex ratios are 1:1, not all individuals will produce the same numbers of viable offspring, and this variation in reproductive success (VRS) will also decrease Ne relative to Nc.
- Fluctuating population size: fluctuating population sizes have reduced the Ne of wild populations by an average of 65%, making this the most important driver of low Ne/Nc ratios. This is because long-term effective population size is determined not by the Ne averaged across multiple years, but by the harmonic mean of the Ne (Wright, 1969). The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the average of the reciprocals, which means that low values have a lasting and disproportionate effect on the long-term Ne. A population crash in one year may therefore leave a lasting genetic legacy even if a population subsequently recovers its former abundance. A population crash of this sort is known as a bottleneck, and it may result from a number of different factors including environmental disasters, over-hunting or disease.