Molecular Cloning Flashcards
( ! ) Why is Molecular Cloning Important?
P - Purify & Amplify Frags
O - Obtain sequences
D - Determine Gene Struc & Reg
P - Perform Site-Directed MGenesis
E - Express & Purify protein; BIOCHEM and STRUCTURAL analysis
E - Enable genome analysis with OVERLAPPING CLONES
R - Reintroduce (transgenesis)
What do Type II REs do?
Cleave DNA at specific bases
What do Type II Methylases do?
Methylate DNA at specific bases
What do DNA Polymerases do?
Copy DNA from a PRIMER 3’ end
What do RNA Polymerases do?
Make an RNA copy from DNA from a promoter
Opp. of Reverse Transcriptase
What do Reverse Transcriptases do?
Make a DNA copy of RNA from PRIMER 3’ end
Opp. of RNA Polymerase
What do DNA Ligases do?
Join two DNA molecules//fragments
What do Exonucleases do?
Remove NTs from ends of DNA
Sort of Opp. of Terminal Transferases
What do Terminal Transferases do?
Add a homopolymer tail to the ends of DNA
Sort of Opp. of Exonucleases
What do Polynucleotide Kinases do?
Add a PHOSPHATE to the 3’ ends of DNA
Opp. of alkaline phosphatase
What do Alkaline Phosphatases do?
Remove terminal phosphates from DNA ends
Opp. of Polynucleotide Kinases
What do Type II REs recognise, and what do they Require?
Recognise SHORT seq -
Require Mg+
(and no ATP)
What blocks RE cleavage of DNA?
- Added by the cognate methylase
(Fully OR Hemimethylated) - Dam + Dcm Methylation
(Second A Or C)
No cleavage if Meth site overlaps Restriction Site
What is the primary epigenetic signal on Prokaryotes?
What will Dpn I only cleave?
Sequence GATC
What will Xho I not cleave?
EUKARYOTIC methylation @ CpG islands