Molecular - Blots Flashcards
Southern Blot Steps
- Digest DNA (REs); 2. Separate (electrophoresis); 3. Transfer to solid matrix; 4. Hybridize. 5 Expose Xray film to filter
Transfer set up
Plastic support. Membrane dips into buffer. Place gel. Filter paper. Stack of paper towel/sponge. If
Restriction Enzymes
Type 1 - random cut sites (circa 1960). Type 2 - specific cut sites (1970). Host protected by methylation; cut pallindromic sequence (same on both strands)
Restriction Enzymes examples
EcoR1 - 5 g aattc 3; BamH1 - g gatcc; usually 4 or 6. 7 is possible, usually has a variable in the middle
How often do restriction enzymes cut?
(1/4)^n. n is number of bases in cut site. Can be influenced by base pair bias (sometimes G/C more rare)
Restriction mapping
Compare digests and double digests. Set up relative cut sites.
Separation. Based on?
Gel electrophoresis. Based on charge (DNA/RNA are -ve), size (gel matrix), SDS???
not very precise. For sequencing (small as 30 bp), need polyacrylamide (4%)
Protein separation
much more differences, different sizes. SDS to denature. need gradient gel (4% agarose near top, 20 ish at bottom to stretch out small ones)
Probe hybridizes at lower temp and higher [salt]/detergent. Put in drum, uses much less solution.
Hybridization variables
Too low = probe binds too much, inappropriately. Higher [salt] = more stable double forms, probe binds stronger (if lowered, it is called stepped down). Increase detergent = pulls off some probe (can be fully stripped to restart)
Crosslinking in Southern blot
UV cross links DNA to nitrocellulose; some don’t need it, but it won’t hurt
Radioactive detection
32P or 33P (longer 1/2 life) for X ray film; probe can be clone. Kind of messy/dangerous
Chemiluminescent detection
relies on biotin (Vit. B), co-factor binds tight to protein; probe can be clone
Probe types
- Synthetic oligo. (15-30); weaker signal. 2. PCR. Strong. 3. Clones, strong; insert into plasmid, grow culture, purify plasmid, cut out again, gel (separate clone and plasmid), then can cut out that section