Molecular Basis of Inheritance Flashcards
What does DNA stand for?
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
What was DNA called before it was Named DNA?
It was coined by Frederick meischer in 1869.
What is a Bacteriophage?
It is a type of virus that infects bacteria.
How many Basepairs do a human DNA contain?
4.6*10^9 Bp
What are main componets of the nucleotide?
A nitrogenous base
A pentose sugar (ribose in RNA & DeoxyRibose in DNA)
A phosphate group
What are the 2 types if nitrogenous bases?
Purine (Adenine, Guanine) Pyramedine (Cytosine, Thiamine, & Uracil)
What are the different bonds/ linkage in the DNA
- N-glycosidic Linkage (btw Nitrogenous base and 1C pentose)
- Hydrogen bonding (btw Nitrogenous bases)
- Phophsoester linkage (btw Phosphate group and 5C Pentose)
- phosphodiester linkage (btw 5C pentose and phosphate group)
What is another name for Thyamine?
5-methy uracil
What was Rosalind Franklins Contribution in the discovery of the structure of DNA?
Rosalind Franklins Data photography of the DNA by X-ray differeaction was used as base understanding of the Shape.
Who is Erwin Chargoff?
He discovered that the ratio of A&T were equal and so was the ratio of G&C.
What are the salient features of DNA?
- it is made up of 2 polynucleotide chain with a sugar-phosphate
- the 2 chains have an anti-parallel polarity. 3->5 & 5->3
- The nitogenous bases are paired through hydrogen bonding.
- the 2 chains are coiled up in a right handed fashion
- the plane of the bp are stacked over the other in a double helix
What is the central dogma of molecular biology said by Francis Crick?
DNA –> RNA –> Protein
DNA - replicate - transcription - mRNA - translation - Protien
in what orgamism is the flow of information from RNA to DNA?
In some viruses. not all, some
what is the distance between The base pairs?
0.34 nm
How does a protien aquire charge?
depending upon the amino acid residue with charged side
what is the protien the DNA wraps around?
Histone or hitone octamer. it is positively charges protien
What is a nucleosome?
it is DNA wrapped in histone ocatamer. A nucleosome contains approx 200 bp of DNA.
Nucleosome figure
nucleosomes in chromosome looks like beaded string.
what is chromatin fibre?
it is the packed nucleosome in chromatin.
What happends if you further coil and condense the chromatin fibre
it becomes the chromosome